
Anyone have any luck losing weight with Zumba?


  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    i lost weight eating less, however, as part of my output, i occasionally did zumba. i also walk, run, t25, 30ds, ride my bike, hike, etc. zumba is a great cardio workout and fun. anything fun will keep you engaged. there is also studies that show while exercise doesn't lead to weight loss per say, those that exercise are more successful at long-term success.
  • AZnewbie00
    AZnewbie00 Posts: 70 Member
    I already started logging what I eat and trying to stay within my calories. I'm just looking for some exercises that I wont be bored with to help the process.
  • AsISmile
    AsISmile Posts: 1,004 Member
    As long as you don't get bored it doesn't matter what type of exercise it is.
    Zumba does give a nice burn so if you enjoy doing that, stick with it.
  • rdlewis123
    rdlewis123 Posts: 106 Member
    I love Zumba. It really jump started my weight loss. Now I will be teaching Zumba with a weight training program as well
  • AZnewbie00
    AZnewbie00 Posts: 70 Member
    So I tried a youtube video and I just felt so uncoordinated. I think I may try something else. Thanks all!
  • PunksterRachel
    PunksterRachel Posts: 14 Member
    I swear by Zumba, you burn a ton of calories and have a blast while exercising.
  • bbontheb
    bbontheb Posts: 718 Member
    omg I was SO uncoordinated with Zumba. I only do the one beginner 30 min one on youtube by dance with shelly I think. Once you can manage the steps, it's so much easier and fun.
  • PatriciaSanchez1
    PatriciaSanchez1 Posts: 3 Member
    Love Zumba!! Good way to begin being active without it being so serious. Laugh and move and over time you will learn the moves! No one is looking at you dance because they are trying to stay on beat as well.
  • honkytonks85
    honkytonks85 Posts: 669 Member
    "help you lose weight" - being in a deficit will do that, whatever burns calories will help you with that deficit but any exercise can get you there.

    I didn't find Zumba to be a great calorie burner, too hard to follow IMO, and too all over the place... I felt like the instructor was making it up as she went along. Yeah, if you find it fun it's great, but I wouldn't rely on their estimates of calories burned and add them to your diary for the day.

    There are other dance based group fitness programs out there that burn a lot more calories. I personally love Les Mills Body Jam & Les Mills Sh'bam.
  • tspencer824
    tspencer824 Posts: 23 Member
    I taught Zumba for years and had many success stories out of my classes. These people were religious followers of my class. They knew the routines and I kept it up beat for them and fun. I recommend finding an instructor that is easy to follow and who kicks your butt every class.