I am new and in need of every help I can get.

My name is Reuben. 5'7 and 170 lbs. I am overweight and tired of it. I've been fat since fourth grade, and I've had enough. I will do my best to slim down.

Question: Is there anyone who does or did a 1000-calorie diet? If so, any advice about the experience? Tell me about it. How much did you lose in how much time? Did it work?—because I know all or most of you will say it's too low a limit.

I am open to all your words. Thank you! ✌


  • jesusarolon
    jesusarolon Posts: 208 Member
    It is too low. You didn't gain the weight overnight. It took time. It will take time to loose it as well.

    I was the chubby kid, who grew into the overweight high schooler and then obese adult, so I know first hand how you feel. I know it's not what you want to hear now, but this is going to require hard work and time on your part. But trust me the journey is well worth it!
  • CockneyLady2014
    CockneyLady2014 Posts: 199 Member
    rjldomingo wrote: »
    My name is Reuben. 5'7 and 170 lbs. I am overweight and tired of it. I've been fat since fourth grade, and I've had enough. I will do my best to slim down.

    Question: Is there anyone who does or did a 1000-calorie diet? If so, any advice about the experience? Tell me about it. How much did you lose in how much time? Did it work?—because I know all or most of you will say it's too low a limit.

    I am open to all your words. Thank you! ✌

    Most reputable "diet" sites wouldn't suggest a 1000 calorie a day regime. They mainly start at 1200. That is from a female point of view.

    As a male you would need far more.

    Start by working out your BMR then your TDEE and then decide how much you want to lose every week. You need to reduce by 500 calories a day for a pound a week loss.

    Weight that comes off slowly is more like to stay off.

    Hope this helps.

  • torana_mad_man
    torana_mad_man Posts: 51 Member
    One of the main factors I think with weight loss is this one question . How good is your metabolism ? Getting the right balance of food, exercise and most importantly sleep has a factor in your success . Not everybody has a strong metabolism so some lose weight easier than others . I'm one who is on a 800 - 1000 calorie diet for medical reasons and yes it works for me losing 2.64lbs per week. Patience and staying focused on what you need to achieve is the key to success. You should always be honest and make sure you don't under eat for what your body requires to get through a day.
  • rjldomingo
    rjldomingo Posts: 11 Member
    It is too low. You didn't gain the weight overnight. It took time. It will take time to loose it as well.

    I was the chubby kid, who grew into the overweight high schooler and then obese adult, so I know first hand how you feel. I know it's not what you want to hear now, but this is going to require hard work and time on your part. But trust me the journey is well worth it!

    Thank you for the motivation! ✌
  • rjldomingo
    rjldomingo Posts: 11 Member
    rjldomingo wrote: »
    My name is Reuben. 5'7 and 170 lbs. I am overweight and tired of it. I've been fat since fourth grade, and I've had enough. I will do my best to slim down.

    Question: Is there anyone who does or did a 1000-calorie diet? If so, any advice about the experience? Tell me about it. How much did you lose in how much time? Did it work?—because I know all or most of you will say it's too low a limit.

    I am open to all your words. Thank you! ✌

    Most reputable "diet" sites wouldn't suggest a 1000 calorie a day regime. They mainly start at 1200. That is from a female point of view.

    As a male you would need far more.

    Start by working out your BMR then your TDEE and then decide how much you want to lose every week. You need to reduce by 500 calories a day for a pound a week loss.

    Weight that comes off slowly is more like to stay off.

    Hope this helps.

    Thank you! I changed my intake to 1200 calories. That's hoping to lose 2 lbs. a week. ✌
  • rjldomingo
    rjldomingo Posts: 11 Member
    One of the main factors I think with weight loss is this one question . How good is your metabolism ? Getting the right balance of food, exercise and most importantly sleep has a factor in your success . Not everybody has a strong metabolism so some lose weight easier than others . I'm one who is on a 800 - 1000 calorie diet for medical reasons and yes it works for me losing 2.64lbs per week. Patience and staying focused on what you need to achieve is the key to success. You should always be honest and make sure you don't under eat for what your body requires to get through a day.

    Wow. Eating a 1000 requires a lot of mentality. I bumped my intake up by 200 calories more. Thank you and good luck to you! ✌
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    rjldomingo wrote: »
    rjldomingo wrote: »
    My name is Reuben. 5'7 and 170 lbs. I am overweight and tired of it. I've been fat since fourth grade, and I've had enough. I will do my best to slim down.

    Question: Is there anyone who does or did a 1000-calorie diet? If so, any advice about the experience? Tell me about it. How much did you lose in how much time? Did it work?—because I know all or most of you will say it's too low a limit.

    I am open to all your words. Thank you! ✌

    Most reputable "diet" sites wouldn't suggest a 1000 calorie a day regime. They mainly start at 1200. That is from a female point of view.

    As a male you would need far more.

    Start by working out your BMR then your TDEE and then decide how much you want to lose every week. You need to reduce by 500 calories a day for a pound a week loss.

    Weight that comes off slowly is more like to stay off.

    Hope this helps.

    Thank you! I changed my intake to 1200 calories. That's hoping to lose 2 lbs. a week. ✌

    Uhm, no.

    Minimum caloric intake for a male is 1500 calories. You're 19 years old and not obese, so losing 2 pounds per week is more than you need to aim for in a week.

    According to Scooby Workshop - http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/ - if you get 1-3 hours a week of light exercise and reduce your calories by 15% you should be consuming 2158 calories per day. You'd still lose, but you'd be doing so in a safe and sustainable manner.

    Also, read this thread - http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/1080242/a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants
  • Minroy
    Minroy Posts: 3 Member
    rjldomingo wrote: »
    My name is Reuben. 5'7 and 170 lbs. I am overweight and tired of it. I've been fat since fourth grade, and I've had enough. I will do my best to slim down.

    Question: Is there anyone who does or did a 1000-calorie diet? If so, any advice about the experience? Tell me about it. How much did you lose in how much time? Did it work?—because I know all or most of you will say it's too low a limit.

    I am open to all your words. Thank you! ✌

    Hey man am 23 and last month I was 307lbs there's no fast way to lose the weight we put on over the pass few years so it will take time . I started the gym with a trainer and a nutritionist and they made a plan for me and trust me man it's working in one month I am at 300 lbs i lost 7 lbs in fat !!! Fat not muscle ! And that's the key you need to lost weight the right way and the healthy way . Am eating 2800 cal day day and am still losing so yah 1000 is way to low ! It's like my nutritionist said in order to lose fat your body need to be feed good cal and nutritions if not it will think your staving and go into survival mode where it keeps the fat because it thinks your staving! So my advice is to do more research or go see a nutritionist and they will make a plan just for you ! It's worth it ! :)
  • flutterby0811
    flutterby0811 Posts: 2 Member