not diet lifestyle changes



  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    I don't think you do quite get it yet
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    So not diet. Lifestyle change. I get it. Swapping or substitute. Finding the choices I can live with forever. Breakfast = fruit. Always. I can live with that. Less coffee more water. Ok. Swap jasmine rice and tofu or beans for brown rice & fresh organic vegetable. . New favorites condiment lime juice. #vegan #vegankids #veganlife #vegankid #running #faster #stronger #better
    Brown rice and Jasimine are almost the same nutritionally. Eat the one you like.
    Fruit does not work for me like that. I eat it at the end of my day.
    As you you see, you need to create a lifestyle that works for you and you need to be comfortable about modifying that again whenever you want.
  • MamaBirdBoss
    MamaBirdBoss Posts: 1,516 Member
    That sounds...really sad. And pretty messed up.
  • debbiesmallVEGAN
    debbiesmallVEGAN Posts: 36 Member
    Ok. I thought this was a friendly supportable group. I did not realize I would be mocked & bullied on MFP. Sad. :(
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    No one has mocked you or bullied you at all. Seriously.

    You just don't "get it" as you stated.
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    Please show one post where you are mocked and/or bullied.
    People are simply disagreeing with you, expressing their opinions or giving you excellent advice.
    I'm truly astounded that you feel bullied or mocked!
  • moosiemom
    moosiemom Posts: 70 Member
    If you find that this new plan works for you and is sustainable, then go for it. I think everyone else is speaking from their own experiences or from what they know/heard/read about and sharing it with you. And their opinion seems to be that this doesn't sound sustainable.
    I'm new here, so I have no advice. I don't know any better. Except that, to do what you think works best for you and adjust accordingly.
  • seska422
    seska422 Posts: 3,217 Member
    Please show one post where you are mocked and/or bullied.
    People are simply disagreeing with you, expressing their opinions or giving you excellent advice.
    I'm truly astounded that you feel bullied or mocked!
    There are people who don't want advice or even disagreement. They expect 100% cheerleading no matter what they've said.

    OP, I hope you consider the ideas that others have posted. Ultimately, you need to do what works for you.
  • M30834134
    M30834134 Posts: 411 Member
    Ok. I thought this was a friendly supportable group. I did not realize I would be mocked & bullied on MFP. Sad. :(

    @debbiesmallnet - I thought the replies were very informative and not a single one bullied you or mocked. All they said was that, contrary to your original post, you don't quite get yet the idea of lifestyle change. Try re-reading the replies, especially one from @seska422

    moosiemom wrote: »
    If you find that this new plan works for you and is sustainable, then go for it. I think everyone else is speaking from their own experiences or from what they know/heard/read about and sharing it with you. And their opinion seems to be that this doesn't sound sustainable.
    I'm new here, so I have no advice. I don't know any better. Except that, to do what you think works best for you and adjust accordingly.

    @moosiemom, the problem with this approach is that almost every single person thinks that the plan they are on is healthy and sustainable but people who actually lost weight and maintained it off for a while have seen this over and over and know that 2 months or even sooner, hypothetically speaking, into the aforementioned weight loss plan they binge and then "fall of the wagon". At the same time, none, seems to be, is receptive to any advice
  • moosiemom
    moosiemom Posts: 70 Member
    @moosiemom, the problem with this approach is that almost every single person thinks that the plan they are on is healthy and sustainable but people who actually lost weight and maintained it off for a while have seen this over and over and know that 2 months or even sooner, hypothetically speaking, into the aforementioned weight loss plan they binge and then "fall of the wagon". At the same time, none, seems to be, is receptive to any advice

    @MasterVal I agree. I was hoping that OP will do what she thinks is best; and by trial and error, adjust accordingly to reach her goals. If she doesn't reach her goals, or something goes wrong, then maybe she'll look back in this thread, and maybe discover where she might have made a mistake. Either way, she'll end up doing what she wants to do, regardless of what she reads.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    Do what works for you!
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    #no #one #cares #about #your #hashtags
  • dirtyflirty30
    dirtyflirty30 Posts: 222 Member
    Disagreement is not bullying. Other people disagreeing with you = the consequences of putting an opinion on the internet. It just is.

    That said, if it's working for you, do you.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    edited June 2015
    I'm not sure what the point of your thread is supposed to be. Are you looking for help making new habits? Asking people to eat like you do? Trying to inspire? Looking for support?

    I just don't know, I don't do those pound sign / hashtag things. Decided to skip that fad entirely, lol. You wacky kids with your newfangled twitterings and kiks. I'm confounded, dagnabbit. ;)
  • vivmom2014
    vivmom2014 Posts: 1,647 Member
    @Kalikel Thanks for the laugh!
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Your hashtags have no power here
    #no #one #cares #about #your #hashtags

  • DaddieCat
    DaddieCat Posts: 3,643 Member
    I'm vegan...have been for a long time. I work hard, lift heavy and eat just as heavy. I do not think this is sustainable or even healthy in the long run. Protein is crazy important, especially if you are exercising. Brown rice is no better than white, unless you worry about potential arsenic, in which case it's worse.

    There is nothing wrong with beans, they are great for you. Nothing wrong with tofu, either. I prefer seitan, but that's me. Still eat a heck of a lot of tofu.

    Nuts, legumes, veggies, fruits... they are all great.

    It's not about what you eat... it's quantity and moderation that matter. Also, how do you get a fully balanced micro nutrient ratio or even enough of an amino acid profile eating like that?
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    vivmom2014 wrote: »
    @Kalikel Thanks for the laugh!
    I live to serve. ;)