So, how far do you go on a cheat day?



  • DrCaspianDoll
    DrCaspianDoll Posts: 87 Member
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    I semi-unintentionally had a cheat day today, my total (including my daily allowance) is at 3952 as of this moment :laugh:
  • SoViLicious
    SoViLicious Posts: 2,633 Member
    As far from home as I possibly can. I wouldn't want someone to recognize me and tell my husband.

    Wait your married? Is that why you took me to the middle of nowhere? Answer your phone! Yes it's me calling!!!!!
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    As far from home as I possibly can. I wouldn't want someone to recognize me and tell my husband.

    Wait your married? Is that why you took me to the middle of nowhere? Answer your phone! Yes it's me calling!!!!! battery is dead. I'll call you back.
  • lilimini
    lilimini Posts: 56
    If I eat something that goes over my calories for the day I feel guilty and the scales always show it! So now I'm trying to find healthy options instead of craving things that are unhealthy.

    Also, I try and give everything a monetary value. For instance, if I want a bar of chocolate that's say $2, I convince myself that I won't let myself be beaten by something that is only worth $2. I know it'll take me a long time to burn off something that in the long term isn't necessary and not worth sacrificing all the hard work I've put in.
  • SoViLicious
    SoViLicious Posts: 2,633 Member
    As far from home as I possibly can. I wouldn't want someone to recognize me and tell my husband.

    Wait your married? Is that why you took me to the middle of nowhere? Answer your phone! Yes it's me calling!!!!! battery is dead. I'll call you back.

    Lies my text has read report and you totally read all 20 texts I sent you!!!!
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    The further from home, the better, if I'm in a snacking mood. I use distraction to fend off cheating.
  • hmg90
    hmg90 Posts: 314 Member
    If a day is a 'cheat day', in the sense that I can tell I need it, I don't actually record, but I keep in mind what I eat. I don't think I'm ever over 1800, so a 'cheat day' will just be neutral.
    I go 2-300 over my calories limit every now and then and it's no disaster, it just means that the weight loss will be slower. I had a few of those last week, but at the end of the week, I'd still lost 1 lbs even though I though I'd lost none.

    Edit: When the OP says "cheat day" I think she means just a day when you go over your allowed calories. Whether it is one cheat meal which causes it or random extra calories throughout the day, doesn't matter. She's referring to any day where you go over, say, 1300 calories, if that is your goal, regardless of how it happens. If your goal is 1300, 1600 calories can still be a 'cheat day', even though you're not gaining weight, as it is 'cheating' on your plan. So when you say "I don't have a cheat day but I sometimes go in zero" - you're having a cheat day, that's what she's referring to.
  • I don't try to make a whole day of not so good decisions. On the weekend, I treat myself to ONE thing I couldn't stop thinking about during the week. And I make sure not to go overboard with it...just enough to have the taste of it then I make better choices.
  • jojo86xdd
    jojo86xdd Posts: 202 Member
    I usually just incorporate my "cheat" meals into my daily calories. If i feel like having a cookie or ice cream, i log it. Simple as that. But I never do cheat day nor do I feel the need to. I assume it's because I don't deprive myself from anything. I just make sure I eat healthy at least 90 percent of the time, log what I eat, even the bad stuff, and stay under my calorie goal. I feel like entire cheat days are just plain dangerous; too much room for losing control :/
  • Cheeky_0102
    Cheeky_0102 Posts: 408 Member
    I will go as far as a cheat meal, or a day that I know I will go over. For me its making a conscious choice to eat a 1,000 calorie meal (like today for example) knowing that I can't really reduce enough of my other meals to keep myself under.

    todays indiscretion are related to yesterday's athletic feats... I think if you are going to be in the "extra burn" zone and you know you are doing it, it's not going to kill you to sometimes.

    I don't "plan" a cheat day at any real interval, but I do know that allowing myself to go over is what will keep me sane and continue to contribute to my ongoing success (8 lbs from goal, 41 down)
  • CatMcCheesey
    CatMcCheesey Posts: 143
    I don't have a cheat "day", I have a cheat "meal". I eat whatever I want, enjoy it, and don't think about the calories.
  • stonel94
    stonel94 Posts: 550 Member
    I don't have a cheat day, I have days when I'm really good, and days where I'm okay, i rarely have days where I'm really bad. Because usually even if I have really bad things, I am still at or under calories. Like today, I had wendys (I can't eat the bread and I don't like the burgers so I just had plain grilled chicken and fries, I love fries) but the grilled chicken is only 120 cals so even with a value size fries its not a bad meal, I also had coldstone ice cream which ended up about 340 calories but I balanced it by having oatmeal for breakfast (plain) and for dinner shrimp cocktail and crab legs, which are also delicious but i made sure to choose them over a steak or something.
    This way I get what I want any day, I just don't keep it around so I really have to want it and go get it, I keep around "bad things" that are lower calorie like pudding, or low fat ice cream, or instant bubble tea that way I don't feel a need to go for the real "bad things" often, but even when I do I can usually be pretty good
  • BluejayNY
    BluejayNY Posts: 301 Member
    I do not have specific cheat days. I just eat and enjoy life on occasion. If its a holiday or we pass by a place we eat rarely then I am going to treat myself and eat whatever I want. I already know 1 day of gluttony is not going to ruin everything. I have had days in which I ate 3 days worth of calories and I still have never gotten to even 130. I just weigh myself and when I start getting closer to it then I watch what I eat more carefully. If I am on the thinner side then I am going to care less.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
  • Sandigesha
    Sandigesha Posts: 226 Member
    Yesterday i went 6500 cals over
  • salladeve
    salladeve Posts: 1,053 Member
    So far I haven't really even wanted a cheat day, which is a surprise to me. It feels really good to know that I'm eating really balanced meals and tracking everything, so the desire to "cheat" hasn't really reared it's ugly head (yet). I started on May 1st so I haven't been at it as long as some of the others, however I have had a lifetime of "diets", with always that thought then when I reach my goal I can eat "normal" again. Eating "normal" again for me always resulted in me regaining the same weight yet again! That has all changed for me this time around, as I am approaching this as a lifestyle change and feeling a whole new attitude. I don't fell like I'm dieting, and if there is a food item that I really want I figure it into my daily macros. If we are going out to dinner I look at the menu before online and decide what I'm going to have and figure it into my daily macros. I just don't have a craving for anything heavy or greasy or even sweet. Eating healthy and balanced has really been an eyeopener to me, and so far has been relatively easy, and very satisfying. That's not to say that I'm not hungry at times, but I usually just have a handful of almonds or a piece of fruit with some water and it usually passes, the next thing you know it's time for a meal.

    Your hunger cravings may just be your body getting used to a different way of eating, and in some cases thirst. Have a piece of fruit and a big glass of water, I'll bet in a few weeks you will not even be contemplating a "cheat" day. Good luck!
  • silken555
    silken555 Posts: 478 Member
    Saturday is my eat anything day but even then, I keep it reasonable. I have a lot of cravings and so I just leave them in the back of my mind and then on Saturday I'll indulge in one or two. I also have a big breakfast every Saturday. It seems to work for me because otherwise it's too easy for me to binge on crap. The rest of the week I eat properly and the food is all made by me and all delicious which makes a world of difference in keeping things up...:)
  • xoxdollyxox
    xoxdollyxox Posts: 12 Member
    Weekends I'd go over at least 2000cals I'm sure of it... I never feel guilty and usually have waited all week to enjoy my naughty foods! It is always stuff that just wouldn't fit into my daily limits like alcohol, chicken wings and meals out. Like really high cal stuff!

    Ive adapted a method that works well for my lifestyle change that I can stick to where I do 1400 cals mon,tues and weds.. then 1000 thurs and fridays then don't count on weekends. Saturdays are completely guilt free while I do tend to make alot better choices Sunday but still don't count my cals because god damn it life's to short to be counting them alllll the time!!!!
  • shutupandlift13
    shutupandlift13 Posts: 727 Member
    My "cheat" day or just high cal, have some fun day is about 2000 calories, give or take. I don't usually feel the need to go too crazy with these days because I eat food I enjoy throughout the week. I still try to hit at least 100g of protein on these days, but I don't worry too much about the other macros.