I have motivation, my friends don't...do you?!

Hello, I am having trouble finding people to help me keep my motivation up. I am almost fifty years old, and last December I had a stroke that almost killed me. It was caused by severe dehydration. I've made a recovery, and I have been working with a nutritionist on a good meal plan and exercise, to eat better. MFP is helping alot. Trouble is, I love to walk, and I love the motivation, and look forward to walking, but my friends, who ironically need to walk more than I do, are not as motivated. They find every excuse in the book not to walk. I need to have more people to communicate with to keep me motivated. My issue is eating. I don't eat often enough.
Feel free to friend me!!


  • EllieBMackal
    EllieBMackal Posts: 116 Member
    feel free to add :)) or ill add u
  • MountainMamaMarissa
    MountainMamaMarissa Posts: 202 Member
    Glad you survived and are doing well after your stroke. Check out my profile and add me if you think we could help motivate one another.