Day 1 was march 1st

speed3_bobby Posts: 34 Member
So i started at 187 pounds at 5 foot 10 inches. I was mad at how i let myself go because of work. Im in the reserve so out of basic in 2013 i was about 160 but not cut. I was always athletic and had over 300 pt score until recently. So i took in alot of information and studies and decided to run with IF. And tbh its done me wonders so far. Today is june 28th and i didnt start with MFP until 3 weeks ago. Gyming everyday with different muscle groups. Everyday i wake up fresh.(9 hours of sleep).my new job is valet so i rarely do any cardio at the gym. I drink preworkout(creatine fille). And BCAA aminos. Stopped with the protein shakes and got everything from food. Longwr story short. Im at 172 after about 3 months and look wayy better. My training consists of strength. So bout 5-8 reps as heavy as possible without failure. Ive learned so much on my own and crave more. Example is at 187 i bicep curled 20s and died after 6 reps. Now im at 40s and can curl 8reps. Id post some pics if i could. But yea my focus is to cut down to about 9% to 12% BF and then build from there. My scale currently tells me im at 13.5% BF but i think im at like 15%. Add me up guys i would love to hear from you guys. Anything helps. Oh my IF consists of 16 hour fasts and an 8 hour window to eat. Probably gonna be changing to 20 and 4 to see if i can get better results.