Looking for friends and encouragement

RB5790 Posts: 817 Member
This past spring concluded my first year at college. My "Freshman 15" became a "freshman 40+". I want to lose all that weight and be comfortable in my own body again. Looking for friends with similar goals or to help encourage!


  • MarisaQL
    MarisaQL Posts: 2 Member
    Hello, I'm new in this community thing and I am also searching for the same goal as you, to feel and look better. Let's do some cardio!, the most complicated part for me :persevere:
  • MoniqueForgues
    MoniqueForgues Posts: 6 Member
    Add me please!! :)
  • weasos
    weasos Posts: 11 Member
    You got this! ;)
  • mcc_lea
    mcc_lea Posts: 7 Member
    Hey guy, I went through almost literally the exact same thing. My first year out of high school and I gained almost 40 pounds. We'll make it through this though :)
  • RB5790
    RB5790 Posts: 817 Member
    Thanks everybody!