290lb mummy looking for MFP buddies

kj2703 Posts: 2 Member
Hi! I'm looking for people in the same boat as me. I'm 31 yrs old and have a 4 year old and twins who just turned 2. Theyre all boys and have energy for days! I'm at 290lb right now and want to lose 100lb to start with.
My problem is that since an early age I've been an emotional eater. Combined with chronic depression and a lot of stressful life changes in the past few years, the weight has piled on. But now I'm nearly 300lb and it's time I did something about it. Walking is about my only exercise (for now) because I can't afford to swim or gym but exercising at home with toddlers under my feet has proven dangerous! BUT I aim to walk more and eat less rubbish to start my journey and take each day at a time.
If this sounds a bit like you please add me as I'd love to encourage and support you guys along the way as well as have some support too. Thanks x


  • chiller84
    chiller84 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I'm a 31 year old mum with 4 years old son. I live in Australia and have been overweight my whole life. My husband does his best to support me but he has never have a weight issue so he doesn't understand. If you ever want a chat or some encouragement just send me a message
  • Zephyergurl
    Zephyergurl Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I am 43 ...270 lbs..wow never said that out loud before lol I need to loose weight...I am horrible at this tho ill be honest...I have no idea how i am going to stick to it...because I never have before...and i am scared...angry...and obviously in need of help...my next step is going to be gastric sleeve in mexico if i cant get this under control and i dont really want to do that...im here for help and to help ok?
  • Parkercomom
    Parkercomom Posts: 67 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend. I have been on all kinds of diets...just about all of them! I joined MFP on March 18th of this year with a goal to lose 100 lbs. This has been the easiest thing I have ever tried. I make healthier choices, stick to 1200 calories a day and have lost 34 pounds so far. Once I get to my goal weight, I will continue to use MFP for maintenance. I gained so much weight by eating mindless calories. I used to buy these small bags of trail mix for example...healthy, right...I would eat two of the little bags a day...just looked at the calories...400 a bag!! It is a real eye opener when you keep track of your food on the site. It works!! You will all find lots of support here too!! I LOVE IT!! We can do this!! : )