I'm so discouraged :/



  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    It would be nice if the scale would always yield a steady decline, but that's just not the way our bodies work. It doesn't mean you're not actively losing weight. But I get the frustration. My husband lost another 2 lbs this week and is now in the 160s and he had 3 big bowls of ice cream yesterday. I carefully stick to my calories and I never get the big numbers, and it seems like weigh-in day (no matter when it is) is always the day the scale bobbles up a couple of pounds! So annoying! Also, we will have days like that where we are feeling discouraged and resent the fact that other people don't have to make sacrifices. Just try to ride them out gracefully and you will be the winner in the end :)
  • gothicfires
    gothicfires Posts: 240 Member
    If your husband eating different food from you is causing you distress, then eat in different places and make a point to do something else together each day for your couple time. You can't force someone else to change how they are eating but you can control how it affects you. My family understands that I won't be eating with them until after I lose the weight I want to loose. I don't have a problem with them eating whatever they want and I would happily take my own food, we just never align on times because I eat 4 times a day.