Back from vaca!

jaga13 Posts: 1,149 Member
I had a great time with my family and friends at the beach last week. Here are some of the weight loss positives which are different from past summers:

- I had Red numbers almost every day, but still stayed slightly below maintenance (as far as I can estimate)
- I ate my "normal" breakfast and lunch most days at the condo, and then splurged with dinner/drinks/dessert/etc.
- I brought my gym clothes and planned on running 3 times during the week--and followed through! I normally run on a treadmill at home but I really enjoyed running outside with the ocean breeze. I wasn't a chore--it was much needed alone time. In the past I would have felt compelled to stay with the group every minute, every day. This time I felt I deserved to get out there by myself a little, and of course no one minded.
- I took the kids on walks and played with them a lot in the water - ok, I would have done that in the past too, but it still added up to more activity.
- I logged every day, although it was a lot of estimating
- I saved up some calories the week before vacation, so over a 2 week span I'm only in the red about 600 calories. The scale may not move on my normal weekly weigh in, but I'm ok with waiting a little while longer.
- I didn't stress too much about food. If I really wanted something, I ate it, but tried not to stuff myself to the point of feeling bloated. If something was just so-so, I opted for the lighter option. Some days I had dessert. Not every day. I'm not a big drinker, so I enjoyed it when I wanted it, and abstained when I wasn't in the mood. It all worked out much better than in the past.
- Several family and friends complimented my weight loss. I guess it was much more apparent in a bathing suit than in normal clothing!

Good luck to all those heading on vacation!


  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    Welcome back, nice post!
    I have found that after being on this journey for a couple of years, I've been given the tools and knowledge to enjoy vacation time or anytime really without going over the top. I was on vacation this past May and was the same way. I worked out everyday, ate what I wanted, when I wanted, had a lot of nice physical activity on the island and an overall great time. I didn't watch my calories or log but I made healthier choices than I normally would have in the past and much better choices :smile: I also indulged in drinks/desserts every day. At the end, I didn't gain anything as a result.
  • jaga13
    jaga13 Posts: 1,149 Member
    Thanks! Yes, this time I made some effort to exercise every day, even if it meant pushing a stroller on multiple walks or actually swimming in the pool (rather than standing still while my kids played). It was nice to have all that extra time and enjoy it all.
  • jhard728
    jhard728 Posts: 52 Member
    Inspiring, I have been a little nervous about the upcoming holiday as holidays and special events have always been my worst eating / drinking days. I will keep this in mind and commit to making smarter choices / being conscious of my food and drink choices instead of just calling it a wash and eating as much as possible without bursting.

    Thanks for the Monday inspiration for the week.
  • MtnGirl38
    MtnGirl38 Posts: 37 Member
    That's awesome! Sounds like you have made some great lifestyle changes...Congrats!!
  • jaims224
    jaims224 Posts: 62 Member
    I was just on vacation too! Great job! I didn't do nearly as well, but a lot better than I would have in the past.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,484 Member
    Well done.
    I have just ended a 3 month vacation with a gain of 2 lbs.
    I am pretty pleased as I visited lots of countries, went on a cruise, stayed with relatives in the UK, then had relatives over visiting me.

    No calorie counting or weighing myself for 3 months, nor any set exercise programme.
    Just eating good food, ( portioned out) with some tasty drinks ( who can't have a Singapore Sling when in Singapore, or a G&T in Bombay!), counteracted by lots of walking hiking and water activities helped keep any weight gain to a minimal.
    The only thing I have found is my upper body strength is a little lower, but it is garden time so that will be up to par after a few bouts of laying flagstones and hauling around a few plants.

    For those fearing the consequences of a holiday where you can't log, rely on what you have learnt about portion sizes and calorie laden foods, throw some fun activity in each day, and will enjoy yourself without throwing all your hard work out the window.

    Cheers, h.