I guess I need friends or something

So add me if you too are a Jesus freak who likes the F word. If you like to quote Pitch Perfect. If you don't feel bad about eating fries. Or cheeseburgers. If you fantasize about being a hippie. Or a mermaid. If you have a binge eating problem. If you call 'em like you see 'em. If you're kind of a smart *kitten*. Or a lot of a smart *kitten*. If you lend support in a no nonsense, no hand holding kind of way. If you're in your 20s. If you have a lot to lose. Or if you've lost a lot. Let's be friends. <3


  • JMC3Terp
    JMC3Terp Posts: 2,803 Member
    edited June 2015
    Jesus Freak: Check
    Swearing: Semi-check
    Pitch Perfect: On occasion with certain people
    Fries: Everytime I eat out
    Hippie/Mermaid: Does ninja turtle/wizard-warlock/jedi count?
    binge eating: how else do you get to be fat?
    Call em like I see em: Check
    Smart *kitten*: I'm fluent in sarcasm ... check
    support: check => honest: check
    In 20s: Check
    Lot to lose or lot lost: 50 lbs down, 110 to go ... so check. and check

    Friend request sent :)

    I bet Stephanie isn't your real name O.o
  • FatStephanie15
    FatStephanie15 Posts: 54 Member
    Stephanie is totes my real name. It says so on one of my driver's licenses.
  • yellowantphil
    yellowantphil Posts: 787 Member
    Stephanie is totes my real name. It says so on one of my driver's licenses.

    What about the other ones?

    I went through your list and matched 2 out of 11. I'll just move along now... :p
  • FatStephanie15
    FatStephanie15 Posts: 54 Member

    What about the other ones?

    Can't tell you that. Too many people looking. That's mostly why I need to lose weight, anyway.

  • clairempfit
    clairempfit Posts: 17 Member
    I'm Claire. I am an aspiring bodybuilder/future NPC bikini competitor! I love helping people reach their goals and stay motivated. :) Feel free to send me a friend request! <3