Not new to MFP, but in need of dedicated/supportive friends!

Hello everyone!

I first came to MFP back in 2012, and I lost 21 pounds with the app. I was on a roll, and I was very happy with the results and the smallest I had been in years. Then, my life became hectic around the Summer of 2013 and I slowly put on the weight I lost and went on MFP less and less. Now, it's mid-2015 and I've gained it all back and more. I have gained 40 pounds over the course of almost 3 years.

I never finished what I started, reached my ultimate goal weight or my final fitness goals for myself. I ran into some health challenges recently, and that is what's motivating me to get back on track and really dedicate myself to a better lifestyle (aside from the fact that I'm in a size that I NEVER thought I'd be in). So with that being said, I'm reintroducing myself because I need help! I want to meet others who might be in the same situation I am in or are well on their way in their journeys!


  • msaprillynn
    msaprillynn Posts: 76 Member
    I'm in the same boat girl! Add me :)
  • KCEngr
    KCEngr Posts: 30 Member
    Your not the only one this has happened to. Add me. I'm looking for people who are active on MFP.
  • MarvinsFitLife
    MarvinsFitLife Posts: 874 Member
    That's how weight lost is, once you start you have to stay focus if not you end up gaining more weight... We can be friends