100 lbs to lose, help?!

Pkaii Posts: 8 Member
Hi all, finally going to try this weight loss thing..again! Really want to go through with it this time and reach my weight goal. Just looking for support. Thanks!


  • Sho0gy_D
    Sho0gy_D Posts: 108 Member
    Stay focused and good luck! Added.
  • Pkaii
    Pkaii Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks! Didn't know about the community forum on this app until now so hopefully it will give me extra support. =)
  • Sho0gy_D
    Sho0gy_D Posts: 108 Member
    There's a lot of great people here and a lot of information if you look through the forums. Getting started on this lifestyle journey is already a great sign for you. I hope you work hard and stick with it because losing 100lbs is doable, but it will take awhile. Do not get discouraged and look around the forums for those that have done similar weight loss achievements. You got this!! :D
  • Pkaii
    Pkaii Posts: 8 Member
    I've tried losing weight before and it's almost cliche. So far I am amazed at all the success stories. Such a large and supportive community. Any tips on where I should start looking on day 1 of my journey?
  • MrsFluffy81
    MrsFluffy81 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey girlie! I'm ready to restart this life style change too. Just gave birth to my daughter 4wks ago and now I'm focused on being the best mom I physically can. I added you, we can motivate each other
  • Sho0gy_D
    Sho0gy_D Posts: 108 Member
    Pkaii wrote: »
    I've tried losing weight before and it's almost cliche. So far I am amazed at all the success stories. Such a large and supportive community. Any tips on where I should start looking on day 1 of my journey?


    This is really just a start. Honestly, I just try to talk to some of my friends on here or do some research on my own to try and see what's best for me.

    One of the common factors with losing weight is eating less food and exercising more. Also, don't think of what you're doing is "dieting" because I've been told saying that is a no-no. It's a lifestyle change, diets are too short term of a goal. These 3 things have helped me so far mentally and physically.
  • Pkaii
    Pkaii Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks for the add and congratulations! I would love the support and would return it as much as possible. =)
  • beedeezer
    beedeezer Posts: 7 Member
    Hi - i just joined about half hour ago. Ive 100lb to lose too. Would you like to add me? I dont know how to do that yet
  • Pkaii
    Pkaii Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Bee,
    I just joined also. Good luck!
  • challenger1912
    challenger1912 Posts: 3 Member
    Best of luck to I give u full support
  • nomorecorsa
    nomorecorsa Posts: 31 Member
    good luck!
  • Soopatt
    Soopatt Posts: 563 Member
    The forums are great. Read all the sticky posts. I learnt so much in the first two weeks.
  • Pkaii
    Pkaii Posts: 8 Member
    Soopatt wrote: »
    The forums are great. Read all the sticky posts. I learnt so much in the first two weeks.

    Thanks, so far everyone has been so nice and supportive!
  • jonest39
    jonest39 Posts: 4 Member
    I've got 100 pounds to lose. I was almost to my goal then gained 40 back when I went to grad school. I graduated so I'm back focused on eating better and more time in the gym!
  • Pkaii
    Pkaii Posts: 8 Member
    Congratulations on finishing school. I'm an undergrad student myself and I stress eat over school.