I seriously need help... Or my jaw wired!!!

Ok boys and girls I really need you to help me... I started MFP a few weeks ago and was doing well then i went away last weekend and it has all just gone to CRAP since then, last week i sort of got on track a bit but then unfortunately my granda passed away on saturday morning, it was expected but still not nice. So being irish we had a wake for him all saturday where lots of people called with LOTS of food (mainly sandwiches) then the funeral on sunday was followed by more sandwiches!! Then yesterday and today i have just felt soo unmotivated to do anything at all let alone count calories. I went into town today and just hated catching a glance of myself in mirrors! Someone please give me a kick up the *kitten*!!!

Height- 5ft 3.5in
Start weight- 181lbs
Current weight- 175lbs

Add me as a friend if any of you fancy! Xx


  • Soopatt
    Soopatt Posts: 563 Member
    Watching what I eat has made a liar out of me. I will often tell people "I had a giant breakfast" - when I am trying to avoid eating at lunch or "I had a giant lunch" when I want to have a small dinner. Nothing else makes them back off, but the idea that I have stuffed myself already and they did not see it, seems to work. You still have to control your own intake under those circumstances, but at least there is no outside pressure.
  • Trishfitz78
    Trishfitz78 Posts: 69 Member
    Remember why you started in the first place! Think back to a few weeks ago, what made you start?
    You've lost 6 lbs! That's nearly half a stone! You've done great, don't let it go back on!
    If you enjoy walking or running, take some time for yourself and go do that to try to get your 'head space' back.
    Just start recording what you're eating, even if you're not being brilliant, it's a habit and as you're doing it, you'll want to see the right numbers.
    Good luck!
    I'm a Dublin girl so if you need some extra encouragement, feel free to send me a friend request!
  • Clarewho
    Clarewho Posts: 494 Member
    First - sorry about your granda. You have had a bereavement and it's not surprising if you have other priorities. You've done well so far, focus on that. It's just one day that you overate, we all have days where we eat what other people prepare and don't have control over our calories. I view those days as 'maintenance days' - I've eaten over my goal but I'm probably still below maintenance. And even if I'm over maintenance, it's just one day and unless it continues like that all week I'll probably get away with it.

    As long as you have the right mindset and remain consistent most of the time over the long-term, eventually you will get to your goal. It's not a race so if you have the odd setback you just put it behind you and stay positive. Good luck x
  • mikeykinwx
    mikeykinwx Posts: 12 Member
    It is hard when something unexpected like that happens I'm also in Ireland so I know how it goes. I piled on weight when my mother passed away a few years back. But look you are on here trying to make a change and off course you are gonna have hiccups along the way. We can't control every aspect of our lives much as we would like to. You know what you need to do just see it as inspiration to work harder.
    You can do it don't let this set you back completely.
    There is a great network of support on here.

  • lynseys1990
    lynseys1990 Posts: 7 Member
    Aww thanks everyone! I have decided to put everything iv eaten today in my diary and sod it if its over... As someone said above at least its getting me back into the habit! I find this community section SUCH a massive help! How have you guys all done so far??xx
  • Streeter204
    Streeter204 Posts: 108 Member
    Sorry for your loss, it is hard to be motivated when everyone around you is in a sad state but use that time you have alone as an escape from all that sadness. Remember how you feel at the end of a workout session and you know you rocked it! How good you feel after that! You got this! You know you do, you just have to keep telling yourself that it is all worth it in the end, love. You'll do just fine!