Giving it a try

Good Morning! I am 63 years old and 40 lbs overweight and have very little stamina as far as energy to do ANYTHING! So I'm here to try to pay attention to what I'm eating and put a limit on it. Is my lack of energy due to aging, or extra weight? In 2011 I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer and have had about three years of constantly fluctuating meds trying to get me to a stable place where I could function. My meds are stable now but the energy level is not. I'm thinking getting rid of some weight couldn't hurt! I'm challenged by a sweet tooth and lack of willpower! Every day I think of starting and every day there is a reason to do it tomorrow. Any words of advice, encouragement are appreciated on this first day!


  • redfiona99
    redfiona99 Posts: 116 Member
    Much encouragement. My sweet tooth is my Achilles heel too. I've learnt to include something sweet in my daily food choices otherwise I go mad and binge.

    Go for it, and think tortoise, not hare.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    I have Hashimoto's (autoimmune thyroid disease). Meds (in my case, Synthroid & Cytomel) reduce the fatigue so I can be more active. But I still kept gaining until I learned to log everything I eat & drink accurately & honestly. Logging works.

    I followed the advice in the Sexypants post:
  • capecodder13
    capecodder13 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks to you both for the above support. I am also on Synthroid and Cytomel and have just switched from brand to generic cytomel within the past few days. I'm waiting to see if I feel any difference. Because of the thyroid cancer my TSH is kept suppressed (around 0.5) and you'd think being hyperthyroid would aid in keeping weight off. In my case it doesn't. I actually forced myself to join weight watchers last week thinking that a commitment to a documented weigh in and a meeting each week will help me stay honest. I was perfect on week one but my results were less than phenomenal. I was super discouraged but got over it (partly because I paid in advance for 3 months of meetings). Redfiona I think you're right, I need to think like the tortoise. Thanks again to you both.
  • bored_geek
    bored_geek Posts: 11 Member
    > I'm challenged by a sweet tooth and lack of willpower!

    And the excellent (but typically unhealthy) food on the cape (fried cod; lobster with buttah;). I'll be at the cape next week, and am not looking forward to the temptation.

    Log everything. One problem with WW is that the 'point system' rewards you for foods with surprising amounts of calories. Fruit is free, but 500g of pineapple will net you 250cal. But if you log all that in MFP (in addition to WW) it will really help.

    Finally, if you can fight cancer, you sure as heck can fight fat!