Workout videos

amr32r Posts: 245 Member
Has anybody done les mills combat ?? If so how were your results? I'd like to know results from ppl that aren't beach body coaches


  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I've never done a video but I have gone to the class at my gym before and it was *awesome*. I only went a couple of times before I moved too far away, but based on the level of effort I had to put out I would guess the results would be great.
  • amr32r
    amr32r Posts: 245 Member
    I already checked there is no classes in my area.i did find a les mills website for videos on demand bit of im going to spend 12.99 a month i might as well buy the dvds..
  • pearshapedmum
    pearshapedmum Posts: 131 Member
    i have done the beachbody les mills combat programme. Did not see massive results but that was most likely to me not being in a big enough deficit. As with all beachbody programmes I started to get really bored with them, but there are still 2 that I like to stick on now and again. I would say overall that it was well balanced, more fun than insanity (but not as hard!), and you can work up a sweat if you push yourself. Half hearted punches and kicks don't cut it!
  • leahcollett1
    leahcollett1 Posts: 807 Member
    ive just bought these dvds i did a body combat on you tube yesterday and loved it!! but you need to go full whack, throw all you got into punches kicks like it was an actual person - i was dripping with sweat burnt 600 calories
  • adreal
    adreal Posts: 229 Member
    I just started Body Combat last week and I love it. I finished T25 (on it about 5 months) and I loved that one too. I think the cardio in T25 got me ready for the Body Combat. I like the punches and the weights they use. Not seeing a change now but the weight is droping some.
  • niniundlapin
    niniundlapin Posts: 327 Member
    edited July 2015
    I've been in the Body Combat classes for about 10 years (both in gym & on YouTube). I admit the result at home on YouTube is not as good as going to the gym classes, but BC is still my favorite cardio choice. It's how I start to love working out & getting into fitness. I think there are several things you can consider before you buy the at-home dvd:
    1) if a gym class is available since I personally like BC better than combat (thought you already said that's not an option);
    2) have you ever try any kickboxing before (I personally think les mill combat is less intense than BC);
    3) how much time you have for working out (BC is usually 50-55 min... Not sure about combat but I thought it's shorter..? Plz correct me if I'm wrong);
    4) do you have other workout combination for the week/ fitness goal. Even though I LOVE BC, I still consider it as a cardio-based instead of a heavy muscle-toning workout (I'd think combat the same nature). However it's a great intro for ppl who want a huge transformation of life style/ body strength.
    5) the most important: will you ever have chance to get personal instructions/ opinions from someone who understands workout & injuries.
    Don't overlook the significance of workout injuries!!!!! I've hurt my knee (fortunately not severe) from BC due to incorrect postures the first three weeks when I started. Gladly our instructor was well-trained & this never happened after I discussed it with her.

    I'm not saying that going to a gym is def better. But if you don't have access to one and have never done it before, investing in the dvd will be the better option since it's filmed directly from the program directors & I believe their movements are the most ideal based on their designs.
    If you're like me who have attended the gym classes/received instructions from professionals but have no access to a gym class now, YouTube might be a good option since you know what's accurate & what's considered bad (many of them are NOT good since they made the same mistake I made that got myself injured).
    And, if your fitness goal is up to another level, combat/ BC classes are good for adding fun to the muscle-toning/-strengthening routine since it's still cardio-heavy (I'd think it's 80% cardio). I thought my muscle strength was pretty good already by doing BC, but I was still killed by P90X3 the first week I started it.

    Just some thoughts from a big BC fan :D
    Good luck! :)
  • amr32r
    amr32r Posts: 245 Member
    Thanks for the responses....i think ill just wait on the dvds ..i was thinking it would be good for cardio but id like to buy more weights for home because i hate going to the gym..