SO irritations

Sigh...husband is new to making healthy changes and is getting on my nerves with all of his "this is how it should be" crap when he hasn't done any research at all for it. He wont even read some of the awesome stuff I've found and sent to his email for him to read. And he wont take initiative to do any research of his own.

But he wants to lose about thirty more pounds. His idea is simply "cut back". Which sounds great. And in a month and half he's lost about 10 pounds, which I'm so proud of him for.

But his "cut back" is to eat a little bit of high calorie food while not paying attention to liquid calories. And the scale has stopped moving for him. So I started calculating what he eats and drinks in a day to show him he needs to make better choices, and cut back on sodas. He was drinking 1300+ calories a day in sodas!

So he has been cutting back on sodas a bit (around 600 liquid calories/day), and "cutting back on food". Which is still a little bit of high calorie food. So he's still hitting around 2100-2400 cal/day.

So he gets aggravated and irritated and says he's just gonna eat one meal a day. I told him that now, he honestly just needs to stop drinking sodas and he'd be fine for his calorie limit.

I know I know, I could tell him all sorts of advice and to do it this way or that, but honestly he gets overwhelmed easily. I just wish he'd realize that if he would do some research all the puzzle pieces of loosing weight and getting healthy would fall into place, and then the hard part would be having the will power to follow through with it :P

Ok ok, rant over.
