Any other short women here

When I say short I mean short.. I am 33 years old, 4 feet 10 inches tall. My goal is between 100 & 110lbs and I have about 10 - 18 lbs I want to lose to go. I am a stay at home mom of a 3 year old busy boy. Due to recent events that were pretty bad I have gotten off my routine a little bit of doing my Aerobics.

What I would like to know is what is your calorie intake? What do you do to help you reach your goal? Would appreciate any advice...

I can't afford the gym or much of any other equipment at the moment due to the money I do get goes to my son. I also have a slight physical disadvantage..


  • Buddhasmiracle
    Buddhasmiracle Posts: 925 Member
    Hi, I'm 4'10" . I net between 1300-1400 cals daily. I cycle 10-12 miles daily. I will within the next week modify my net cals to 1400-1600, and add weight lifting to my routine 3xs weekly. I have a small and electic group of MFP friends that are very supportive and are at various stages of their fitness levels and weight goals. If you would like read my profile and add me if you would like!
  • inside_lap
    inside_lap Posts: 738 Member
    I'm 32, and the same height as you. My daughter is almost 3 as well! I try to fit movement in any chance I get. I walk at lunch and try to take the little one out for runs w me. A good jogging stroller will help w that. Oh, and I have a rule that I can't be in front of the tv without working out to... Usually on my home elliptical. As for calories, I usually intake somewhere between 1450-1900 depending on my workout and if its a cheat day. Good luck and feel free to add me :).
  • EllieBMackal
    EllieBMackal Posts: 116 Member
    im short. about 5'11. wanna lose 20 lbs.i eat 1200-1400cals. go to alot of walks. feel free to add if u want
  • wendylee68
    wendylee68 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm 4ft 10, and am aiming for 107 lbs. I'm at 112.5 right now and eat around 1300-1500 per day and I try for 20 minutes of trampolining, treadmill ect a day, and I lift every other day, I also try to walk lots at work and have been rather succeesful in losing over 30lbs since january 1st of this year. I used to work out a lot more but now that I'm so close to my goal I'm not really kicking butt anymore, I'm much more relaxed fitness wise. I did the Jenny craig weight loss plan and am now on maintenance cause I couldn't afford it anymore so I went on maintenance but I am still working to my personal goal. I eat lots of fruits and veggies, not so much red meat, I eat mostly poultry or fish.
    I used to be a gymnast as a youngster and have bad hips and knees, which can impede intense exercise, so I don't do anything strenuous,