Sore right shoulder - Left arm might be the problem!

Hi everyone

I'm looking for some help.

I broke my left humerus in 2004. It was quite a bad break requiring surgery and plates screws etc. I probably didn’t do as much physio as I should have back then because although it is not painful ever, it is definitely so much weaker than my right arm. I am right handed anyway.

So roll on to 2015 and I’m trying to lose 20 pounds. I’m doing a range of different classes – spinning, circuits (which include weights and body stuff burpees, planks etc) and weight training. I'm doing 2 weights classes per week for one hour and 3 - 4 hours of the other stuff..

I’m loving the weights side of things and am constantly amazed by the before and after pics on here from those who have got serious about it. I would like to too.

When I do an exercise e.g. bench press, I’m fine for a while but then I feel as if my right arm takes over as my left has run out of power and I end up with a pain deep into my neck/shoulder on my right hand side. My left weak side has no pain whatsoever.

In this mornings class we did 60 seconds of the following

Bench press – 17.5kg on bar
Squat press with 2 x 8kg kettle bells
Bent over row with 17.5kg on bar
Lunges with 2 x 8kg kettlebells
Jack knifes with 10kg kettlebell
Another one I can’t remember!

We did 6 rounds of those for the first half of the class. (please bear in mind this is a beginners class!!!!)

So by the time I got around to the 3rd of 4th round of the bench press, I felt that my left arm had given up. Now I’m at work and I’m feeling sore in my shoulder/neck when using mouse and keyboard.

When I say sore I really mean discomfort. It’s not terribly sore but it’s definitely there and I wouldn’t want it to get any worse. Last week I noticed some tingling sensation down my right arm and into my hand. I used to get that feeling when I was pregnant – I had shoulder issues then from incorrect sitting position at work.

Can anyone advise me. I’m thinking I need to work on my left arm to try to bring it up to the same strength as my good right arm. My right arm is obviously over-compensating.

How would I strengthen it? I have access to weights and dumbbells at home – i can use my hubbys stuff so should I start something?

Any advise would be much appreciated.


  • cheshirecatastrophe
    cheshirecatastrophe Posts: 1,395 Member
    I have some mismatched strength differences between my arms thanks to a history of right-handed water polo ball throwing in youth and right-side wrist fracture more recently.

    I use dumbbells instead of a barbell for upper body lifts. Makes the right bicep/forearm do its job; makes the left shoulder do its job.
  • mammytotwo
    mammytotwo Posts: 202 Member
    Thank you.
    I wonder though would it be beneficial to do some unilateral work on the left side to strengthen that arm. Could anyone recommend some exercises I could do to strengthen that arm.
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    For unilateral work.. the dumbbell chest press, bent-over row, and shoulder press.

    Even if the right was stronger, there shouldn't be pain in your neck & shoulder. Sounds like a complex issue that should be assessed by a pro - a sports physical therapist, sports massage therapist, a very good personal trainer, etc.
    My guess, without seeing you, is that you're raising your right shoulder, and need to stretch your trapezius and other neck muscles hourly.

    By the way, i'd avoid bodyweight classes for now, because they're usually imbalanced between the "pushing" and "pulling" muscles, since there's nothing to pull in classes. That can cause shoulder problems. Stick with weights. But get your form checked by a good trainer. Not a class instructor.

  • mammytotwo
    mammytotwo Posts: 202 Member
    Thanks for that Cherimoose. I'm going to look at some stretches for trapezius as you recommend.

    I just stuck to spinning this morning for an hour. As I said the pain isn't terrible - it's just there and sometimes feels hot if that makes sense.

    Will work on form and stretches and see how I get on. I might invest in a couple of hours with a really good personal trainer to work on form.

    Thanks a mill....