

  • nuttyrubs
    nuttyrubs Posts: 95
    yeah. i guess u r right but sometimes i get depressed looking at my progress or lack of it... I just hate to exercise..
  • nuttyrubs
    nuttyrubs Posts: 95
    yeah. i guess u r right but sometimes i get depressed looking at my progress or lack of it... I just hate to exercise..
  • nuttyrubs
    nuttyrubs Posts: 95
    yeah. i guess u r right but sometimes i get depressed looking at my progress or lack of it... I just hate to exercise..
  • dastephlu
    dastephlu Posts: 17
    yeah. i guess u r right but sometimes i get depressed looking at my progress or lack of it... I just hate to exercise..

    I really didn't care to exercise either. It just seemed hard getting started and the thought of having to do it regularly just didn't thrill me too much. Now that I have started, (and in my 3rd week) I'm actually waking up wanting to go on the treadmill, or bike, today I did almost 30 mins of brisk walking outside, although I figured it would be nice since there was a breeze, that breeze kinda died down and the humidity hit, BUT once I got back I feel great because even though it was HOT and HUMID, I still pushed myself to walk to the end of the road and back (1.5 miles). Take baby steps, start off walking 20 mins (to get your heart pumping) at a comfortable speed for yourself, and when you think you can handle it, push yourself a little harder, a little longer. Good Luck to you!:flowerforyou:
  • lawkat
    lawkat Posts: 538 Member
    Your lack of exercise can't be the only thing that is stopping you from losing weight. The most exercise I have been doing is walking, but I live in a big city, so I tend to walk everywhere anyway. I had to change my eating habits and my approach towards food. If you hinge everything on exercise and not having any motivation to exercise, you are sabotaging yourself before you even begin. Some changes in life have to gradual. You should try to focus on eating better and then start incorporating exercise. You don't have to go all out and join a gym and work out an hour a day. Start small, create a routine and then start to incorporate some more rigorous exercise. Once again, it is getting into a routine and realizing how great you feel after you work out.
  • lawkat
    lawkat Posts: 538 Member
    The other thing is to make sure you have realistic goals in mind. If you think about exercising and trying to, say run 30 minutes a day, but can only do about 10, then you get yourself down because it is an unrealistic goal. Some people need to start out slow and work themselves into doing more. It is all mind over matter. We can make thousands of excuses why we don't eat healthy or exercise, but they are excuses. Try to create a realistic goal for yourself and when you reach it, reward yourself. If you don't reach it, you don't get the reward, but you shouldn't throw in the towel if you don't. Work harder to reach another goal you set for yourself.

    The first step is always the hardest if you want to see results.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    First off... we can't see your diary so we don't know what you're eating or how you're exercising, what you're watching or managing. There are a lot of factors:

    - Do you have any health problems that would hinder or slow weight loss or are you on any medications that could hinder or slow weight loss?
    - How much sodium are you taking in?
    - Are you following MFP's recommendations for eating? Staying within calories but not dipping too low under that goal?
    - What kind of ratio are you set at for carbs/protein/fat and how well do you follow it?
    - What exercise, if any, are you doing? How long and how often?
    - Are you strength training/weight lifting?
    - How much water do you consume in a day?
    - Are you eating at least 25g of fiber? (If not, you should be.)

    I'd love to hear the answers and go from there to figure out what it could possibly be.
  • nuttyrubs
    nuttyrubs Posts: 95
    ok..thanks every one.. although i am not eating mor ecalories but i am eating more on carbohydrates .