Binge eating disorder

Need some advice, I have binge eating disorder. I am taking steps to lose weight. But when I am anxious, I eat. It's an endless cycle I can't seem to get off from. GP has been next to useless. Advice would be great


  • NumbrsNerd
    NumbrsNerd Posts: 202 Member
    Not a doctor, but I think this is more of an issue for a therapist than a GP. I haven't been diagnosed with BED, but it's definitely a tendency I've had in the past - especially in relation to unchecked emotional issues. There are some really good books on the issue if you don't want to talk to someone to work though the underlying issues. I read two years ago but cannot think of their titles - sorry! Search for binge eating on Amazon and you'll get a ton of results for self-help books. It's all about owning your emotions, boredom, etc. and breaking the cycle of turning to food.