I feel like I've ruined everything :( PLEASE HELP!!



  • christa96
    christa96 Posts: 153 Member
    Tomorrow is a new day. I'm right there with you (along with many other people, I'm sure!). Just start fresh and be sure to drink a lot of water. You're fine. Just continue on.
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    ok so you made yourself feel sick.

    GOOD! now you will be like... eew, that stuffs gross for a while. it would have been worse if you really liked it and kept going!


    secondly you had one bad day. man. at christmas, I smashed 2 full plates of food and 3 servings of desert, probably it was like 5 plates of desert. IT WAS FRICKEN AWESOME.

    guess what - I still lost weight that week. this is why.

    you are eating a defecit every day. lets say its 3500 for the week. so for you to actually gain weight you would have to eat OVER 3500, by another 3500 to gain 1lb.

    you had one bad day, so lets say you smashed an extra 1000 cals which you didnt I'm sure.

    you would need to go over by 1000 cals a day - THATS RIGHT a day to gain one pound of fat a week. if you do gain, its probably just water weight.

    so positive number 2

    YOU ARE STILL UNDER BY 2500cals! yaaaaay! just don't do it every day!


    now, go eat some

  • cynthiadmail
    cynthiadmail Posts: 90 Member
    Been there done that. Its all right. Just keep logging everything and let that day go, you cant take it back or change it.
    We are not perfect ALL the time. We can try but this happens just need to chalk it up and carry on.
    But we know what your feeling at one time or another we have been there so its okay. Head up :wink:
  • basillowe66
    basillowe66 Posts: 432 Member
    SWEET KAY, You are further along than you were when you started! We are only human and are going to slip occasionally. It's not the end of the world! Just get back to it, but don't make it so difficult that you can't live with it ! The whole idea is to start a program where you start losing weight. The you can increase it a little at a time, until you are losing at a regular pace, but you aren't starving yourself!
    Add me to your friends list. i am on almost everyday and I try to give everyone motivation!!!

  • GnomeLove
    GnomeLove Posts: 379
    Chillax hunny....I had a cheat WEEK...and I feel fine. I'm just gonna get right back to it on Monday. You are a human being and things like that will happen.
  • blueexpy45
    blueexpy45 Posts: 2 Member
    First off, don't panic. As another person told me, it took more than one meal to get you up to the size you were and will take more than one meal to get you back there. That's not a pass to go wild eating, but the moral is that you cannot beat yourself up because you indulged one day of eating. If it continues everyday, then yes, weight gain is inevitable, but you cannot be perfect. Now that you enjoyed yourself, that just means that you need to have a concrete plan for next week with diet and exercise and stick to it. Reward yourself with a cheat day so you won't feel deprived, but don't feel like it's the end of the world because you had pizza or McDonald's. Just get back on the band wagon and only allow one day per week to 'cheat'. Even on your cheat day you can still eat and remain under goal if you plan properly and do some sort of light exercise to help keep you under goal for that day.
  • sugaree1202
    sugaree1202 Posts: 184 Member
    The only way today can ruin EVERYTHING is if you wake up tomorrow and vow to stop exercising & eating healthy because you ate a hamburger & fries today.

    Considering everything else you ate today was low calorie & healthy, you probably didn't even hit maintenance calories depending on your daily deficit. I know it doesn't feel that way but it's the truth. You will still lose weight for the week as long as you stay on track.

    If you feel the need to make up for today, log what you ate, take the amount of calories you ate over goal and spread them outover the next few days. So if you ate 300 over goal, burn 100 calories more the next 3 days and don't eat them back or just eat 100 calories less than goal for 3 days.

    In the big picture, today really didn't affect much. If you go over for a few weeks or stop all healthy habits completely, that would have a negative effect in your goals but one day won't :)