NSV at the pool

So I started swimming again yesterday. It definitely wasn't easy stuffing this overweight, mid 30s body into a swim suit and going to the pool. Let's face it no one needs to see me in a swim suit lol. 5'9" tall and 125lbs overweight. Thankfully I am tall, gain weight everywhere and have a lot of muscle still so I carry that 125lbs like it is 60 :) but it still ain't pretty :P I am sure everyone is thankfull i choose a one piece over a bikini ;)

Yesterday was HARD. I used to swim 10km a day and now 200m HURTS. but I slogged through 1500m and stumbled back home

Today I dragged my fat behind back to the pool, still feeling very self conscious about being seen in a swim suit. I started my swim again, it still HURTS (I am also rehabbing a shoulder that had surgery to repair an over 180 degree labrum tear, reattach a ligament and file down a dent in the ball part) but felt a bit better today

Then a funny thing happened. Half way through my swim the young, thin, beautiful (of course she was when I am feeling like a beached whale) perpetually happy lifeguard comes over and says "you are a great swimmer! I was watching you yesterday too and your stroke is so good!"

That one small gesture really touched me :) And her probably unintentionally kind words made me push myself just a little bit harder and it certainly will make it easier to squeeze into the swim suit again tomorrow even knowing that people are going to see me :sad:

The other lifeguard said similar things to me before I hit the hot tub :)

We forget most days but a few kind words to a stranger can really have an impact :)


  • mattschwartz01
    mattschwartz01 Posts: 566 Member
    That's excellent! Congratulations on getting back into the water again. In no time, you will be swimming 10Ks. :flowerforyou:
  • KimINfortheWin
    KimINfortheWin Posts: 251 Member
    Great NSV! They don't realize just how monumental those challenges are for us. And those small words mean all the difference.
  • bio01979
    bio01979 Posts: 313
    That's excellent! Congratulations on getting back into the water again. In no time, you will be swimming 10Ks. :flowerforyou:

    thanks :) I hope so lol :)
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I'm so glad you posted this. It's so important to focus on what we CAN do and you are showing incredible gumption by keeping at it in spite of discomforts.

    I'm so glad

    1) someone said nice and supportive things to you and
    2) you are sharing them here where so often people complain about what others and in particular (thin) people say to them.

    You seem to have your eye on the prize and a healthy and welcoming attitude that I think will serve you well on your goals. :flowerforyou: :glasses:
  • amandacepstein
    amandacepstein Posts: 93 Member
    That is an awesome NSV, and I am sure you were trying to be funny about it, but please think about the derogatory ways you describe yourself. You sound awesome and sexy to me, and I am super impressed with your swimming! Way to go with the activity, I hope you eat back those exercise calories!
  • marybowldseddington
    marybowldseddington Posts: 71 Member
    That is awesome. I wish I could swim better. I know a couple of strokes but I cannot do that flippy thing great swimmers do so effortlessly when they are swimming laps.

    Keep it up! Swimmers I have known have the slickest toned bodies...I love them!
  • berriboobear
    berriboobear Posts: 524 Member
    Amazing NSV! Congrats and keep up the awesome work!
    We forget most days but a few kind words to a stranger can really have an impact :)

    Love this, I try to always be pleasant and kind to even strangers (eg. saying "thank you" for held doors, or for holding them) and smiling to cashiers and such. Such small things can make the biggest difference! :flowerforyou:
  • bio01979
    bio01979 Posts: 313
    Great NSV! They don't realize just how monumental those challenges are for us. And those small words mean all the difference.

    they really don't realize :)

    I made sure to thank her before I left :)

    I guess once I get in the water I still look like a swimmer :)
  • bio01979
    bio01979 Posts: 313
    That is awesome. I wish I could swim better. I know a couple of strokes but I cannot do that flippy thing great swimmers do so effortlessly when they are swimming laps.

    flip turns? You can totally do it :) you just have to get someone to show you :)
    Keep it up! Swimmers I have known have the slickest toned bodies...I love them!

    totally agree! I miss my swimmers body! It's buried in here somewhere, I will find it eventually :)
  • bio01979
    bio01979 Posts: 313
    Amazing NSV! Congrats and keep up the awesome work!
    We forget most days but a few kind words to a stranger can really have an impact :)

    Love this, I try to always be pleasant and kind to even strangers (eg. saying "thank you" for held doors, or for holding them) and smiling to cashiers and such. Such small things can make the biggest difference! :flowerforyou:

    me too :) it's amazing how far even a simple smile can go :)
  • bio01979
    bio01979 Posts: 313
    That is an awesome NSV, and I am sure you were trying to be funny about it, but please think about the derogatory ways you describe yourself. You sound awesome and sexy to me, and I am super impressed with your swimming! Way to go with the activity, I hope you eat back those exercise calories!

    thanks lol :)

    I mostly try to be realistic and yes it was a bit tongue in cheek :) but you are right I shouldn't be too hard on myself :)

    I ate back some for sure, especially because swimming at a "fast pace" burns so many!
  • bio01979
    bio01979 Posts: 313
    I'm so glad you posted this. It's so important to focus on what we CAN do and you are showing incredible gumption by keeping at it in spite of discomforts.

    I'm so glad

    1) someone said nice and supportive things to you and
    2) you are sharing them here where so often people complain about what others and in particular (thin) people say to them.

    You seem to have your eye on the prize and a healthy and welcoming attitude that I think will serve you well on your goals. :flowerforyou: :glasses:

    thank you :)

    lol the prize is having my swimmers body back :) hopefully anyway :)
  • mookybargirl
    mookybargirl Posts: 165 Member
    I bet you were on cloud 9 all the way home :flowerforyou:
  • kissesonlyStan
    kissesonlyStan Posts: 2 Member
    The great thing about swimming is when you are in the water, no one can really see how fat you are. Plus, no sweat and you feel so much lighter!

    Congrats on getting up and going. For me, that's the hardest part. Not being seen in a suit or actually doing the work, but making time for myself and getting started. YOU are on a roll! Keep it up!
  • bio01979
    bio01979 Posts: 313
    The great thing about swimming is when you are in the water, no one can really see how fat you are. Plus, no sweat and you feel so much lighter!

    Congrats on getting up and going. For me, that's the hardest part. Not being seen in a suit or actually doing the work, but making time for myself and getting started. YOU are on a roll! Keep it up!

    lol that is true up unitl a point :)

    it is one of the hardest parts for me as well :) But I have just decided to force myself because it is worth it. The other hardest part for me is/was in the past few years (basically all 6-7 yrs that I put the weight on) everytime I did something active one of my 3 major injuries would scream at me 3-5 days later (no idea why it was always delayed by a few days but it was - makes it very hard to find activities because you feel fine doing them but 3-5 days later you are flat on your back for a week on the couch). But I have some pretty heavy pain meds now and if I need it I will take them because I NEED to be able to be consistently active(my doctor and I are monitoring it and if he gives me 30 of them, I am generally not coming back for more for 3-6 months so he is ok with that :)
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