How to stop food snacking?



  • freemystery
    freemystery Posts: 184 Member
    Moderation works for some people but I can't do self control once I've had a little taste and I get to remember what I'm missing in oh-so-vivid detail.

    So I just made it really simple. No snacks. I can eat chips etc if it falls into a meal but outside of a meal NO!

    With snacking it's like I open up a pandora's box of uncontrolled eating. I have no idea why it works for me but it does...
  • lairyliam
    lairyliam Posts: 33 Member
    Just going to echo what everyone else has said,

    I have Breakfast, snack, Lunch, Snack, dinner, Snack - sure its easier on a exercise day (i have 6 at the mo thankfully)

    But, only eat at set times, and within the calorie goal if its out side of those times fill up on water, feeling hungry is a symptom of thirst apparently

    That is what is working for me.

    Good luck
  • stephaniemejia1671
    stephaniemejia1671 Posts: 482 Member
    Everything in moderation! I haven't cut out any "junk" food and have still lost inches.

    Team ice cream daily!!!!

    Team ice cream. Most definitely!

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  • sasu27
    sasu27 Posts: 51
    I have been trying to lose weight for what seems like my entire life. Every time I go on a "diet", I give up everything I like and tell myself I will never eat it again and that I can only eat healthy foods. It's because of that mentality that I started out again at 300 lbs. This time around I still eat the foods that sound good to me and keep them in check with portions. I certainly don't make the healthiest choices, but I feel like if I can get started on the weight loss, then I can slowly change over to more healthy foods. The minute I tell myself I can never eat something again, I want to eat it. For the first time in a long time, I am actually having success with weight loss, and I have lowered my bp from very high to normal with a week of lower calories.

    For me to keep it all in check all I do is weight every 3-4 hours to eat and eat about 400 calories at a time (giving myself a little wiggle room of course)
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    I've not read all the posts as i am sneaking in a MFP check at work but I am terrible for snacking so I plan
    I have hummus, sliced cold meat cream cheese or avocado in the fridge to have a combo on oat cakes or rice cakes in the fridge
    I have fruit, i have tea ( a wide variety but mint really helps with sugar cravings)
    I have nakd bars -cocoa - not the healthiest but satisfies cravings

    so every day i can have 2 health snacks if i have the urge to snack
    if i fail and go and buy chocolate or crisps
    I try decide on a healthier substitute for next time - rice cake crisps over walkers etc and so i can be better next time without having to think to much about it.

    hope this helps

    We're snack twins,lol. I always have meat or avocado for snacks, or nakd bars.