Trying to better my mind and body

stemerson2345 Posts: 1 Member
Where do I start? Growing up, soccer was my life. I played year round. Playing for 14 years, I was always the short and skinny kid. However, I ate pretty unhealthy and had a few summers where I sat around and put on some pounds. This ended up causing me to miss my last growth spurt (my younger brother is 8 inches taller than me). Ever since I graduated high school in 2013 and stopped playing, I started working out at Planet Fitness. Over the past 11 months, I've lost 15lbs and gained about 10lbs of muscle. Working out was a way to deal with stress, but the progress I've seen has inspired to get more involved in bulking up. I haven't used any supplements or protein shakes because I don't really know much about them. Any help would be greatly appreciated! My goal is to go from 160 to 175lbs in a year! Oh, and I guess I should add that I'm 5ft 7 on a good day


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