Hi! I'm Katy. And I'm tired of being unhealthy.

Truth: I love to eat. I love all things meat and cheese and chocolate. And I need to find a way to love vegetables.
I have recently began a sedimentary life with an office job after over ten years in food service. I love my new job. I don't have to deal with hungry or drunk people anymore. I have an entire office to myself. I can bring my daughter to work with me everyday, saving a TON on day care. But I get tired from sitting in front of my computer everyday. And I hate that. I'm almost 30 and I feel old. I hate that, too.
I recently have started grocery shopping with more reserve and have started cooking healthier meals for my family, but I'm not sure I'm doing such a great job. And I have lots of questions about what is actually good for me since there is so much contradicting information on weight loss out there.
I'm looking for like-minded friends to motivate and rant with. I'm looking for advice from experienced ex-lazies like me. I am hoping that if I don't go at it alone I won't give up so easily.
The hardest part for me is EXERCISE. And CRAVINGS.
What's your hardest part? How do you overcome it? What's your story?


  • LiveAndLove101
    LiveAndLove101 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey! I can relate to you completely. The hardest part for me is cravings and exercise too. I'm not sure that I have any advice yet (because I'm just starting too) but we can both definitely do it!
  • superem1
    superem1 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I'm right with you on the cravings side I can have a really brill day but as soon as I sit down the cravings kick in and I just don't seem to be able to fight them. I used to hate excercise but I've lately found an absolutely incredible personal Trainer. She's so motivating and positive and encourages me so much. I'm determined to get healthier once and for all. Only 20kg to go
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    I miss brownies and cheesecake. I eat them but much less frequently

    the hardest thing was getting motivated to do anything. now I'm getting there.

    recipes: skinnytaste.com
  • christabelle66
    christabelle66 Posts: 83 Member
    One strategy that has worked for me is allowing myself to have one indulgence meal a weekend where I can eat anything I want with no judgement (although I find as I go on that I am more careful about the portion size than I used to be, dividing a take-out meal into at least two portions). I also allow myself one really indulgent dessert on the weekend but stay sugar free the rest of the week. I find it easier to resist cravings (such as the oreos a co-worker brought in today) by reminding myself that I can have a much more satisfying dessert on Saturday or Sunday. I also try to plan (and precook at least some) my meals in advance on the weekend-- not exactly what I am going to eat when, but inter-changeable breakfasts, lunches and dinners so I don't have to make so many decisions when I am stressed or tired. Another strategy that works for me is eating a variation of the same snacks every weekday (I have a long commute and put in long hours). I always have a smoothie in the mid-morning (great way to sneak in those fruits and vegetables and variety makes it taste different every day) and an apple with nut butter in the afternoon. I like them enough that I look forward to them and that also helps me resists cravings. I am a big fan of Judith Beck and Debbie Beck Busis and highly recommend The Beck Diet Solution and The Diet Trap Solution. Lots of good strategies for containing cravings and thinking about exercise. Such as, "Five minutes of walking is better than zero minutes of walking." Many of us try to do too many big changes at once when we are trying to get healthy and set ourselves up to fail-- small, steady steps is my new mantra.