Back again-- this time, with feeling.

I have dabbled in MFP a few times over the years, never logging super consistently or stopping when I notice even the slightest improvement. I also struggle with logging on weekends/dinners out. BUT! I am back, and I am feeling more committed this time. I know I am not doing things perfectly-- like I don't have a food scale (yet) and I have to make some estimations still.

The last few times I tried MFP, I sometimes perused the Community postings, but I never engaged or added any friends. This time, I think I will participate a bit more and seek out some other people who are in a similar situation.

About me:

Sedentary job, active in "intense spurts" in evenings/weekends. I run approx. 8-20 miles a week (depending on a training schedule), I bike to work 2-4 times a week (20 miles round trip).

I love to reward my exercise efforts with food... and I am completely unaware of just how much I am eating at times.

Not really interested in giving up entire food groups, except soda, but I know there are a few areas I can dramatically reduce (I am looking at you, cheese). I have a hard time getting enough lean protein.


  • ampherz
    ampherz Posts: 55 Member
    Feel free to add me. I know I need to recommit or shock myself into doing this seriously — or something. I've been struggling with the same poundage since high school, and I'm also 28. Sometimes I lose a little and feel great, and then I seem to have no idea how I ever did that and basically binge eat. I'm not a big fan of tracking 100%. I want to get to that point where I can eat like a French woman - just enough, just what I need, no serious deprivation. I could stand to lose 25 pounds.

    I've been trying to get back into Insanity. (Think you can help me move beyond "trying"?) I recently read about mindfulness training, and I think it can keep me in the zone through round after round of the same video. I also ride my bike to work (20 miles round trip, too) some days. I usually break it up between two days though.