It's so frustrating that nobody notices!!!



  • beautifulctb
    beautifulctb Posts: 100
    I totally understand!!! Other than my parents and sisters, none of my family has noticed. I just went to a cookout yesterday where a lot of my family was there and noone said anything. Like you said you are doing this for you, but it is nice to get noticed for your hard work! :smile:
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    it's when you see something every day.

    like watching kids grow up. it takes outgrown pants for me to notice the boy has shot up three inches in a month.
  • rosemaryhon
    rosemaryhon Posts: 507 Member
    Ok ok. So I know I am supposed to be doing this weight loss thing for my health and yada yada. But seeing as how I have lost 25 lbs you would think my family would notice. But NOOOO. THEY DON'T. And I am not going to bring it up to be embarrassed when they tell me to my face that they can't tell. I mean I am not that big. It should make a difference. Whatever. I am so irritated right now. I want to lose weight and I want people to notice too! Geez. Smh. Ok rant over.

    Nobody has noticed my near 25 lb weight loss either :(. Well my mother says she does, but it seems moreso it's cause she knows I'm losing and is being nice :)

    Truthfully I don't notice it all that much either yet.

    I have a theory that sometimes our loved ones didn't *really* look at our fat, that they kindly glossed over it. And that might be a reason why they don't notice (yet!).

    I figure I just need to be more patient.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,321 Member
    I understand how you feel, because I've been there before. From my experience, everyone started noticing I lost weight at the same time..and it was when I was almost at goal.

    Along my weight loss journey, I thought my family and friends were purposely not mention my progress. Truly.. most people don't notice until you look totally changed. It is actually kind of funny if you think about it.

    So hang here.. we on mfp understand and see progress along the way.
  • Smoni2008
    Smoni2008 Posts: 30 Member
    It's really not important what others think of you. How does weight loss make you feel? Are you satisfied with your results? You are beautiful no matter what your daily notices or doesn't notice! Keep doing your thing! Leggo weight loss and inches. ????
  • Alwayssohungry
    Alwayssohungry Posts: 369 Member
    I also dislike people who know you are trying to lose weight and fake it. "Oh I can see it's working, you look great". But I've only lost 3 pounds so far you big fat liar.

    I'm odd, I like that no one is noticing, because I am and I am only doing this for me.
  • JeanH1978
    JeanH1978 Posts: 1 Member
    I SOOOOOO Agree!!!!! I am in the same boat- I have lost a total of 43lbs since I started. Now it has been a SLOW Process!! I continued to and still do wear my old clothes because I dont want to spend money on clothes that may or may not fit for long. My family does not notice and I usually have to point it out. Now when I do need a new outfit- job interviews- My mom realizes that I have to be losing because I have to get smaller sizes!!! I still have 87lbs to go!!!!
  • phyl303
    phyl303 Posts: 74 Member
    Twelve weeks in with almost 20 pounds gone, only ONE friend has noticed without "Catching" me counting or my husband tattling. Who will say "I can't tell" when your partner calls out attention. The one friend who did notice, I only see every few months due to distance. I've got six weeks until a beach trip with a group of friends. I should be at 25-27 lost by then and they better recognize! But even if they don't I am feeling better and more confident.

    As many have also said, I don't want to buy "in between" clothes - especially full price! I'm way too cheap for that!! I'm trying to stretch my wardrobe by shopping at thrift stores. (Just call me Macklemore's wacky aunt.) I went at lunch today and got a silk and linen blouse, a tailored blouse, and a quick dry t-shirt for $11.00. I think that was a bargain. It's harder to find pants but I got lucky a couple of weeks ago and found three pair for $4.25 each.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    I've lost as much as 70lbs and my BF said he didnt notice
  • mztea11
    mztea11 Posts: 7 Member
    I've found the biggest problem to getting others to notice is wearing clothing that fits!!! if you are wearing the same duds they are probably hiding your efforts....

    at work, I lost 70 lbs before people really noticed.... not because they see me every day or anything (as I pretty much hide in an office) it's because they stopped recognizing me in the hallways etc... "who's that? OMG that's TEA!"

    you can do it.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    I know it's difficult, but sorry to say most people are not really paying attention that close. I will give you this example, I cut 36 inches of hair off, and I thought wow everyone is going to notice. 1 person noticed in a week, and that was after they stared at me for about 10 minutes to figure out what I did.

    So don't take it to heart, keep doing what you are doing for yourself. Take pictures of yourself so you can see the difference.
  • ihammen
    ihammen Posts: 55 Member
    I think it depends on what you weighed to start with and height. Obviously, if you start out at 300 lbs, and lose 25 it's not the same as if you start off at 150 and lose 25 lbs. Also, with me a lot of my female friends noticed and none of the male friends have said anything. I think guys are more careful about commenting, especially about another guy's wife.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    According to your ticker, you had 58 lbs to lose and you've lost 13.

    I started with 20 lbs to lose and I've lost 14. Oh, and I'm 5'3", so it's not like the fat's got a lot of room to spread out. My personal trainer JUST said he noticed this past weekend. My family started saying they could see it when I'd lost 10 lbs, but they could only see it in my face, though I'd lost inches everywhere else.

    It's just the way it is. Other people won't notice changes the way you will, because you (and everyone else) trying to lose weight obsesses over looking for that progress, whether it's on the scale or changes in measurements or increased definition.

    Most people are probably looking at you now and thinking that you look different/better, but they can't quite pinpoint why. Or, they think they know, but don't want to ask if you've lost weight in case you haven't and it upsets you.
  • Yeah people that you see daily might not notice it. for example my family hasn't noticed (well I don't really know but nothing has been said), but people that I haven't seen in a while or people that I don't see so often took notice, telling me that i've gotten alt slimmer or asking how did it, etc.
    It might also have something to do with how you looked before. If you weren't chubby to begin with some people might not notice right away, don't let it get you down!
  • SweetTea111104
    SweetTea111104 Posts: 338 Member
    it's when you see something every day.

    like watching kids grow up. it takes outgrown pants for me to notice the boy has shot up three inches in a month.

    Wow that is a perfect analogy!!!!