My Second journey to perfection

Neo_Haddad Posts: 8 Member
sorry for my bad English, its not may native language .

so here i am again , doing my second journey to loss weight, cutting all the good and delicious food , working hard every day , sweating and pain .

im not sure why im doing this time , is it for me or for the people around me !!??? im just pushing my self to no limit , that's what i feel from inside

i started on June/1/2015 with 241 lb

now June/2/2015 with 218 lb



i need support and trying to find a goal ( why im doing this again ? )


  • MamaBirdBoss
    MamaBirdBoss Posts: 1,516 Member
    Why not pick a lifestyle instead of yo-yoing? It's WAY easier. I still eat delicious food. Just less. :)
  • Neo_Haddad
    Neo_Haddad Posts: 8 Member
    Its hard for me , I gain wait faster , im just easting now healthy food ( taste horrible )