Starting Today...What to expect?

Hello everyone, so I'm taking a pause from dieting. I am well into healthy with a BMI of 21 and only want to lose a little more weight for vanity, but at the moment feel that I need to stop for a while as I have been dieting for months and I am about to have a few changes to my life. Anyway, I am just wondering what to expect while beginning to maintain? Will water weight fluctuate up again? How often should I weigh in and adjust accordingly?


  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    You will probably gain water weight if you increase your calories by too much at once. It's better to just add 100 calories a week or something until you maintain (plus you might be able to lose a couple more vanity pounds that way).
  • galprincess
    galprincess Posts: 683 Member
    I'm only just into maintenance and I lost 2lbs so going to steadily increase
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I've been maintaining over 3 years. To be honest, I just upped my calories to a 250 calorie deficit from a 500 and saw how it went. My weight loss leveled off (I eventually lost a bit more, and upped my calories at that time). I never saw a weight gain - I went straight from losing slowly to maintenance. I kept losing inches but no weight. A year later I dropped another 5 pounds without trying.

    The one thing I would say is to watch what type of calories you add back. I am always tempted to add back carbs - the goodies. But that's a mistake because it makes me hungrier. Add back your calories in mostly protein. You'll have more energy and be less hungry. Besides, extra carbs absolutely will make you hold water.
  • Azurite27
    Azurite27 Posts: 554 Member
    As nxd10 said, you're only likely to see a large increase in scale weight if you were low carbing and incorporate them back in. I upped my calories slowly and saw my weight actually drop a couple more pounds until things evened out.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    Try weighing in about once a week. Track your weight until you find a normal fluctuation zone of about 3-5lb that you are comfortable in. Adjust according to your comfort zone and how your clothes fit. You might see a slight weight increase right at the beginning, due to glycogen replenishment, this should not affect how your clothes fit. If you see a sudden spike, it could be water, so watch your sodium. If you notice an upward trend over time, adjust your calories down, and vice versa.