Quest Bar Conundrum



  • nickatine
    nickatine Posts: 451 Member
    kami3006 wrote: »
    Found this snippet if anyone is interested:

    "The macros on the Quest Bar label clearly add up to more than the calories listed:

    Calories = g Protein x 4 + g Carbohydrates x 4 + g Fat x 9

    21 x 4 + 21 x 4 + 8 x 9 = 240 calories
    The calories listed on the label are 190. The reason for the discrepancy, in this case, is the dietary fiber. For foods with high fiber content, the carbs that “count” towards calories will be lower than the total carbs listed because insoluble fiber is not digested by the body and is therefore worth 0 calories. Soluble fiber is worth something, but not quite 4 calories per gram.

    So the effective grams of “4-calorie” carbs being counted in this case are something closer to 8.5:

    21 x 4 + 8.5 x 4 + 8 x 9 = 190 calories

    Quest calls the total carbs minus carbs from fiber “active carbs”. You may also see these referred to as “net carbs” in some MyFitnessPal entries.

    I know this is confusing because it seems like the all-mighty formula has been tainted. But for all practical purposes, there’s no need to overcomplicate things and subtract off the fiber from all the carbs you eat.

    For most foods, fiber content will not be that high and even with Quest Bars which are quite high in fiber, there are only 50 calories in question. Unless you’re eating a few of these per day (which you probably shouldn’t be), it’s really not worth the hassle."

    There's so much round off error in this calculation though. The integer calories per gram of each macro is rounded as is the grams of each macro on the label.
    nickatine wrote: »
    I'm in canada and I noticed last saturday that cookies and cream has gone from 180 to 200 cal w/e no big deal I fit it in.

    Apple Pie are listed as 200 cal in Canada and 180 in the US as well. I don't stress about it.

    Yes also chocolate chip cookie dough here in canada is 210 but whenever I have purchased it when I'm down south it's 190.
  • Noreenmarie1234
    Noreenmarie1234 Posts: 7,492 Member
    Hmm, I don't know I have been eating 3-5 a day for months and if they really have that many more calories I think I would be gaining weight.

    I am very curious about this though. I knew they had a lawsuit but didn't know what the final outcome was. Did they ever attempt to explain the discrepancies or anything?

    3-5 quest bars a day?

    Yes I have a slight addiction
  • Jelaan
    Jelaan Posts: 815 Member
    Anyone else tried the B-Up bars. I like the Quest bars, but these are really good too. Much softer texture and have different sweetners.