Not "new" but have been gone

I am back after about a 6 month hiatus.....still been struggling with weight loss....put 20 lbs back on over those 6 months, have recently lost 18 of the 20 and now I am back at my plateau mark that I always hit and get discouraged and I thought I would come back to MFP and see if I can get some motivation back. I have 32 more lbs to go to be at my 1st ideal weight. I've never been that low as an adult, so I have no idea if I will be happy there, but its the 1st weight for my height that puts my BMI into Healthy range and not over weight or we will start there !


  • AndrewWood97
    AndrewWood97 Posts: 22 Member
    edited July 2015
    I too hit a plateau for about 3 weeks, but i just kept working at it and started losing weight again! Don't give up! GOOD LUCK! :)
  • alise_lmx
    alise_lmx Posts: 292 Member
    I just logged in today after I don't even know how long, I don't think I've logged anything in 2 years! Welcome back, hope we both get some motivation being back :)
  • mhollencamp102012
    mhollencamp102012 Posts: 165 Member
    Thanks WoodyI am hoping to get past this relatively fast lol the quicker i move past this number the quicker i can carry on

    Alise, thank you and welcome back yourself. This weight loss stuff is sure a visiouse cirlce ! but we can do this!
  • free1220
    free1220 Posts: 416 Member
    Seems like for every 5 lbs I stall out for awhile...but the weight loss does start again.I know it's hard not to lose faith.Hang in there you'll get past that damn roadblock!
  • mhollencamp102012
    mhollencamp102012 Posts: 165 Member
    I hope so....I've been in this place so many times...same number too....I can lose 40lbs hit this number and hit a wall...or 20lbs and hit a wall....frusterating how I can drop 40lbs...than just stop...I know everyone goes through it..its just up to me this time to have the willpower and patients to get past it