How did this happen?



  • scorpiophoenix
    scorpiophoenix Posts: 222 Member
    The first time was gradual, I didn't even notice. I barely ate through high school but my husband was dead-set on feeding me and never batted an eye as I grew. The second time was a lot of emotional binge eating. I'm determined to stay on track this time... *fingers crossed* it sticks.
  • Angierae75
    Angierae75 Posts: 417 Member
    Pregnancy took me from 120 to 140. After that it was "well, I'm already fat, who cares" and I put on 10-15 a year for the next 6 years. I maintained for a long time, and now I'm losing.
  • rats2010
    rats2010 Posts: 79 Member
    I was big as a child, not that what I ate was bad, just way too much (both parents were big too). I lost it in college, working out 2-3hrs a day 5 days a week and then started to gain about 2 years later. Packed on the pounds after my first miscarriage and each of the 5 after that added more. (Lots of comfort foods and zero exercise). I started back to the gym and lost some but had to stop when my husband broke his leg and had major complications... cue regain. I also have PCOS which doesn't help, but inactivity and eating don't either.
  • MynameisChester
    MynameisChester Posts: 107 Member
    Lots of tasty processed food. Chips, cake, doughnuts galore! Oh so good.