Feeling down, low-energy and fatigued since passing goal weight phase.



  • faithyang
    faithyang Posts: 297 Member
    AsISmile wrote: »
    In the nutrition forum is a list of nutrient dense food. (Probably referenced in the must read post at the top).

    So feeling bloated and having stomach pain sounds really familiar to me. I have IBS and have those symptoms quite often.
    For me what worked is eating at regular times, because your body will start to expect food and will display hunger. It is easier to eat when having a hunger feeling. Also, very slowly start increasing portion size and listen to your body. It will give signals when to stop eating. Eating slowly also helps because you will feel full before you can overeat.

    Thanks @AsISmile, I'll have a look through.

    Yeah I'm quite sure I have IBS but not formally diagnosed so I'll have to bring that up on my next doctor's appointment. I am lactose-intolerant to varying degrees and my stomach makes the strangled cat noises when I drink my morning coffee with milk, lol. :smile:

    But yes I think my quick fix mentality has something to do with being bloated and such. All that rich food in trying to get a quick fix to my weight made it worse esp when I had been eating really healthy foods with little fat and oils for the past few weeks, not to mention no/less sugar! :neutral:

    And less scarfing food down. I was surfing facebook when eating. *sheepish*
  • MamaBirdBoss
    MamaBirdBoss Posts: 1,516 Member
    edited July 2015
    faithyang wrote: »
    There are anorexics who eat three LARGE meals a day. But they do it with very low-calorie-dense things.

    My mother eats TINY meals. But she's medically overweight because her dinners are so freaking calorie dense.

    Hm, I guess maybe because I gravitate towards traditional Asian foods which are volume centric but low in fat and cals.

    Out of interest - what does your Mum eat? Maybe I can sort of incorporate some of that in my meals so I'll won't have to always walk around with a bloated belly. :neutral:

    My mom cooks from cans. You don't want that. One dish, as an example: Alfredo sauce from a jar, fried bacon crumbled into bits, over pasta. Seriously. Another: Crushed Doritos made into a kind of crust with a casserole of spiced ground beef and mushrooms with cheese on top.

    My MIL is Chinese and absurdly fat. She goes to China and everyone knows she has to be a tourist. Anyway, part of the problem is that she stir-fries with a LOT of oil. Like, a LOT. She was at my house and took over cooking for a week and used up about a third or a bottle of canola oil. My hubby and I, used to my food, get sick to our stomachs. :)

    But I cook a lot of Asian and can EASILY, EASILY eat 1800 cal a day on that.

    1) Have smaller amounts of soup.
    2) Eat a normal Chinese-level serving of rice, not a diet-level serving of rice.
    3) Eat stir-fried meat and veg with usual Asian sauces on top of the rice as the main course--doesn't even need oil with the meat to be high-enough calorie
    4) Save veg-only side dishes for truly side dishes. Make sure to have stuff like matchstick stirfried potatoes.
    5) Wait an hour or two, then have fruit.
    6) Splurge occasionally on potstickers and pork buns and pretty much anything with ground meats, lol, or egg rolls.
    7) Eat stuff with sesame oil.
    8) Eat stuff with nuts--peanuts and cashews and stuff.
    9) Chinese BBQ pork is probably the fattiest thing I have eaten in my life
    10) Rice porridge breakfast with bits of chicken

    Chinese dishes are also frequently made with chicken fat. I leave it out, but if you want calories....

    The veg has very little calories on its own, but the rice, meat, nuts, potatoes, etc., have plenty.
  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    I'm wondering if you've ever tried drinking some of your calories. I've had times where I've had no appetite (related to depression) and I found that I could drink shakes/smoothies way better than I could force down a meal.

    Not sure if this would help you, but maybe :)