Really panicking

I've put half on I have no idea why I did gym once and body combat 3 times this week went over calories last sat but didn't eat my earn calories back please someone suggest few things I'm just sitting here crying like an idiot I tried so do hard this week too


  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited July 2015
    I've put half on I have no idea why I did gym once and body combat 3 times this week went over calories last sat but didn't eat my earn calories back please someone suggest few things I'm just sitting here crying like an idiot I tried so do hard this week too


    You've put on what? Half a pound? Half the weight you've lost? In what time frame? A week?

    If I'm reading this right you need a slap (meant in the nicest possible way, one of those Hollywood come to your senses style slaps)

    Weight loss is not linear

    Weight goes up and down with water weight ...up to 10lbs on is affected by
    • Change in exercise ..water weight for muscle repair
    • Hormones...around ovulation and menstruation
    • Sodium ...excess sodium increases water weight
    • Dehydration...more dehydrated more water weight
    • Going low carb then increasing carbs ...glycogen restoral and associated water weight

    Look this is me, in maintenance ...normal pattern over 3 months


    Oh and this morning I weighed 160.8lbs (up 2lb on 2 days ago) cos killer leg session on Wednesday at gym, it's hot and I'm probably dehydrated
  • leahcollett1
    leahcollett1 Posts: 807 Member
    I know I know weight loss isn't linear but a lot of people on here are losing every week I feel like I'm trying so bloody hard for Wat ? The greatest motivation for me is seeing them scales go down so it's so hard when they show a gain I was meant to do body combat this morning but now I feel like what's the point it really bloody upsets me I get so annoyed with myself I'm just praying it's the combat as it's the first time I've done it in ages and I've never done it 3 times a week before cus that be it maybe as it can't be my cals I've weighed everything and didn't eat them back to cover my blow out last sat
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    You need to accept natural fluctuations...because that's life!

    You don't have a scale weight, you have a scale weight range

    You may found the following of help

    1) start to weigh daily...notice the fluctuations
    - get a trendweight app (Libra/ Happy Scale) or like mine (you'd need a fitbit account then synch it with MFP don't need an actual fitbit)
    - watch the trend line

    2) stop weighing weekly and move to monthly

  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited July 2015
    Focusing in on my last 4 weeks

    Black dots are scale weights

    I'm trying to stay the same weight - at 160lbs but trendweight gives you a 5lb buffer hence the green area

    THIS is normal!

  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Since you're emotional, could that and the weight gain be due to your time of the month?
  • Kr15by
    Kr15by Posts: 78 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    You need to accept natural fluctuations...because that's life!

    You don't have a scale weight, you have a scale weight range

    You may found the following of help

    1) start to weigh daily...notice the fluctuations
    - get a trendweight app (Libra/ Happy Scale) or like mine (you'd need a fitbit account then synch it with MFP don't need an actual fitbit)
    - watch the trend line

    2) stop weighing weekly and move to monthly

    This ^^^
    Don't worry, weight fluctuates. Likely just water weight.
  • leahcollett1
    leahcollett1 Posts: 807 Member
    Thanks everyone and no not my star week yet I aCtually lost 2.5lbs a few weeks ago on star week !! no I'm a blithering wreck cus i really let it get to me it's like everything revolves around that scale weigh in on sat morning. I'll continue to do the body combat and see Wat next week's say
  • MimiMadrone43
    MimiMadrone43 Posts: 11 Member
    I love seeing those numbers on the scale going down too, but as hard as it is, I try not to obsess on them and let that number be my sole motivator. It could be that you've added some muscle, shed some inches?! Lately I've been using clothing as a guide to how I'm progressing. At the beginning of June I tried on some pants; they buttoned but were very tight in a bulging, about to pop the button kind of way. I figured I'd try them again in 5# or so. Even though I've "only lost 1#" by scale calculations I tried the pants on yesterday and not only did they button easily, they were actually loose!! Hang in there, keep your chin up and have faith that all your effort and hard work is paying off in one way or another!!
  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    edited July 2015

    You say that you know weight loss is not linear, but I'm thinking you're just giving lip service to that fact if you're panicking about a half-pound gain.

    Why do you give a crap what's happening with other people? For every person here who's been losing every week, there are people who have gained but just don't freak out about it, so you don't read about it. Also, those people you envy, who lose every week, will inevitably come to a point where they do see a gain, even if they've had a great week.

    My advice: get a grip. And I sincerely hope that gaining half a pound is the biggest thing you ever have to panic about in your life.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    First off, congrat's on your loss so far!!! What a big change! :grin::sweat_smile:

    Second, +1 to what they've said about nonlinear loss, long-term outlook, changes due to exercise, sodium,
    TOM, water intake, etc.

    Third, as you get closer to a healthy weight you will lose weight more slowly. It's frustrating. Very frustrating.
    You may have been able to pull off 2 lb / week for the first 40 lb, but now 1 lb / week would be more reasonable.
    And pretty soon that will slow to 0.5 lb / week. See above, about frustrating.

    Read these:

    Goal setting, including weight, calories, and macros
  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
    Friendly warning - if you panic and give up when you hit a small setback, you're never going to lose the weight you want to lose and keep it off. Keep working out, keep eating well, have a healthy outlook on weight loss, and you'll be fine.

    If need be, use an app like Happy Scale where you can log in your weight as much as you want but it tracks the overall trend & smooths out fluctuations. Sometimes I'll gain 4 pounds - no problem. I just had a bigger meal than expected the day before, or it's a certain point in my cycle, or whatever. It's gone within a few days and I continue to lose weight.
  • galgenstrick
    galgenstrick Posts: 2,086 Member
    Thanks everyone and no not my star week yet I aCtually lost 2.5lbs a few weeks ago on star week !! no I'm a blithering wreck cus i really let it get to me it's like everything revolves around that scale weigh in on sat morning. I'll continue to do the body combat and see Wat next week's say

    Maybe start by weighing yourself more than once a week? Weigh every day and take the average of a weeks data, if it's less than the average of last weeks data you're doing great. Weighing once a week is not a good idea because if you have one bad weigh in you'll be a wreck.

    Also start taking measurements of your waste and Chest once a week. You need more metrics than just the scale.
  • galgenstrick
    galgenstrick Posts: 2,086 Member

    You say that you know weight loss is linear, but I'm thinking you're just giving lip service to that fact if you're panicking about a half-pound gain.

    Why do you give a crap what's happening with other people? For every person here who's been losing every week, there are people who have gained but just don't freak out about it, so you don't read about it. Also, those people you envy, who lose every week, will inevitably come to a point where they do see a gain, even if they've had a great week.

    My advice: get a grip. And I sincerely hope that gaining half a pound is the biggest thing you ever have to panic about in your life.


    I've gained 2.2 pounds in one day before. It was amusing more than disappointing. The weight was gone the next day.
  • NikiChicken
    NikiChicken Posts: 576 Member
    I have lost 94 pounds, but me weight loss graph looks like a roller coaster! And as people have already said, that is NORMAL and expected. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY will lose weight every single week without ever a blip. Panicking over a1/2 pound weight gain on one with in its seeing yourself up for a very difficult, very stressful, very unrealistic weight loss journey. Also, quit comparing yourself to others!! You only know what they are saying to you. You have no idea what is going on in reality - what they are eating, exercising, tracking, age, health, what the scale REALLY days, etc. Make life easier on yourself and just worry about yourself as an individual without comparing your experiences to everyone else.
  • leahcollett1
    leahcollett1 Posts: 807 Member
    Thanks everyone I feel so much better now I did body combat this morning and was surprised to find that I still ached in places from Thursday body combat so now I'm more sure it's water retention than anything else hopefully my body will catch up in couple weeks if I continue to do this regime
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    edited July 2015
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I know I know weight loss isn't linear but a lot of people on here are losing every week I feel like I'm trying so bloody hard for Wat ? The greatest motivation for me is seeing them scales go down so it's so hard when they show a gain I was meant to do body combat this morning but now I feel like what's the point it really bloody upsets me I get so annoyed with myself I'm just praying it's the combat as it's the first time I've done it in ages and I've never done it 3 times a week before cus that be it maybe as it can't be my cals I've weighed everything and didn't eat them back to cover my blow out last sat

    Natural weight fluctuations.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Double post.

  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    You know that stress and panic can hamper weight loss, right?
  • Bshmerlie
    Bshmerlie Posts: 1,026 Member
    Op if you are truly crying over a half pound then I would suggest stop weighing yourself so often. If you know you are eating at a deficit and logging accurately then just weigh yourself once a month. Just keep doing what you're doing and when you get on that scale you will be happy with the result. Also, as others have said progress can be seen other ways like how your clothes are fitting. Try and keep a positive outlook.