How to cope with the guilt and self dissapointment when the weight creeps back on.

In 2013 I lost over 50lbs, eating healthily and attending a Rosemary Conley Diet & Exercise class. It was tough at times but I stuck with it and I even ended up featured in the final issue of the Rosemary Conley magazine. Then Rosemary went into administration. My instructor re-branded and kept going but I then went through a rough time. After a car accident and the loss of several family members I took my eye off my weight loss goal. I never stopped going to class but since January 2014 I have slowly put on weight and have re-gained 30lbs.

I'm finding it so hard to get myself back on track. What worked before doesn't seem to work this time so as of today I am back on My Fitness Pal to try and keep a track and make some sense of where I'm going wrong with my calorie intake.

I know I can do this but I could do with some support - mainly from anybody who had succeeded and then slipped back. How did you cope with the guilt, the frustration, the fact that you no longer feel good about yourself??

I believed long ago that successful weight loss is a mixture of mind and body, and at the moment I'm having trouble getting my mind back on track.


  • JAHodgkinson_uk
    JAHodgkinson_uk Posts: 63 Member
    I think it's sadly normal. Unfortunately loosing weight is the "easy" bit, it's keeping it off that statistically is the horrendously hard bit.

    I'm back again this week too. I have lost count of my diet victories and regains. It's just a matter of being kind to yourself and getting back to it. I'm looking for motivational, positive friends too. We can do this x
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I gained weight back due to pregnancy, so although the reason is different, the end result is the same. I felt so miserable with myself once my baby was born, especially as I'd exercised all pregnancy and logged too, and I didn't even eat over maintenance. Anyway, the only thing you can do is see it as a challenge, and rise to it!

    This time I've given myself fitness goals so I don't just focus on weight loss. I've pushed myself much harder with my exercise, and I do hardcore circuits classes, PT sessions, HIIT classes, and I've run 5k a few times.

    I've also been less hard on myself with food. I was really restrictive before, but this time I've realised that you really can eat anything so long as you remain at a deficit, which makes it all much easier. I don't stuff myself with 'junk', but I don't deny myself little treats either.

    Remember it won't be forever either, you will get back to where you want to be. My baby is 14 months now, and while I'm not quite back where I want to be, I don't feel like a huge whale any more either. I feel more like me now. So you do get closer and closer to goal all the time.
  • flamingblades
    flamingblades Posts: 311 Member
    I took all of my negative energy and put it to good use and dragged my *kitten* to the gym and reversed what I did.
  • LosingDebbie8
    LosingDebbie8 Posts: 5 Member
    I lost 100 lbs 5 years ago and I have gained it all back. I feel your pain. Mine was due to severe depression and just not caring what happened to my body anymore. In February this year I started my weight loss journey all over again. I found this app and the motivation and support has helped me tremendously. Just realize that you are not alone, you did it once and you can do it again! Add me if you like, I am always searching for new mfp friends