anyone gluten free AND dairy free??!

bethheyyy Posts: 25 Member
looking to peek at dairies if people who eat the same strict guideline. My son has serious allergies and I'm finding it difficult to get creative.

Please send request if your ok with me checking out your diary! :)


  • belimawr
    belimawr Posts: 1,155 Member
    I'm not, but I feel for you. I have a friend I hang out with on weekends and she must be gluten and dairy free, and it makes eating difficult, especially eating out.

    Just to get you started, others will chime in:

    For dairy you have soy and almond milks, unfortunately baked stuff doesn't do that well with them in many cases in my experience. Coconut milk (the real stuff, not the "coconut milk like beverage" you find in the supermarkets) does a bit better, but not always a great substitute.

    Puddings pretty much are out. I tried doing the almond milk and corn starch thing than I found on the internet, when trying to use a pudding mix and it had an inky taste to it. Not pleasing.

    Ice creams and yogurts they make now with coconut milk, and my friend likes them, and she's not a fan of coconut to begin with.

    Gluten free is getting a lot easier. You have gluten free pastas, breads, etc. Pastas with rice flour in my experience have been good. Haven't tried gluten free breads, nor gluten free pizza crusts.
  • park1948
    park1948 Posts: 1 Member
    Dairy free has become second nature for me now, I use goat's milk, soya spread, koko milk for making puddings and can even do some decent desserts now, also make my own yogurt . Regarding the gluten I have just started buying from Ugg Foods so cannot tell you have good or otherwise they are but they had very good reviews at the recent Free From show. Good kuck
  • jkroll2014
    jkroll2014 Posts: 1 Member
    No problem - is your son allergic to nuts? Check mine out - been strength training with heavier kettlebell weights, so I'm monitoring my macronutrients more, which is really why I'm trying this out. Hopefully, you'll see some options. My son us GF / dairy free too :smile:
  • dejiharris5
    dejiharris5 Posts: 9 Member
    I am gluten and dairy free!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Gluten free and mostly dairy free. I also can not tolerate soy products.

    I bought a nice rice cooker. Rice, seasoning veggies and canned or frozen chicken in it make for a quick meal.
    My daughter has a milk allergy. We bought pizza, and tacos without cheese. She also loved baked potatoes.
    You are welcome to view my diary. I do eat cheese. I'm not much of a cook. It's just not in the cards for me. I'm the only one that likes my cooking :wink: So I gave up. Except for the rice cooker.

    Maybe a trip to the bookstore for a cook book would help.

    Good luck.
  • Somebody_Loved
    Somebody_Loved Posts: 498 Member
    I've made several of her recipes and they're all delicious. The link below is to all of her gf/df recipes.
  • allyphoe
    allyphoe Posts: 618 Member
    belimawr wrote: »
    Puddings pretty much are out.

    No, pudding is *easy* if you're making it for a kid, so limiting calories isn't your goal. Full-fat canned coconut milk and instant pudding mix thickens just fine (other non-dairy milks don't work!). I like coconut with chocolate, but another good combination is coconut milk and banana pudding mix with drained canned crushed pineapple and drained canned mandarin oranges mixed in.

    When I was gluten-free dairy free due to allergic kid, I found it easier just to eat food that was normally made without dairy and gluteny ingredients, rather than try to find substitutes I liked. Earth Balance margarine was close enough to butter that I was willing to eat it on buttery pasta, but I just gave up on yogurt and cheese. Udi's makes tolerable-when-toasted bread, and most gluten-free pasta is decent, but cookies and cakes aren't as good.

    Soft corn tortillas are our default gluten-free sandwich starch, with quinoa the default side dish starch or "pasta" salad base. Meat and veggies don't take much modification, assuming you have a kid who eats meats and veggies.

    My diary won't help a bit, OP, because my kid outgrew. Sorry!
  • BettieDiane
    BettieDiane Posts: 13 Member
    I am gluten free and love this new sheppards pie that has rice, ground meat and corn. Simple and filling! Also Udi's gluten free chocolate muffins and brownies are delish!! I'm new to the gluten free world and googling recipes everyday! Feel free to friend me or follow my diary for ideas. I hope it will help
  • BettieDiane
    BettieDiane Posts: 13 Member
    Also lactaid milk and dairy products taste delish! I was lactose free as a kid because we didn't know I had a gluten allergy and assumed it was lactose intolerance
  • mommy2TandN
    mommy2TandN Posts: 7 Member
    I've been gluten and dairy free for a year now because of food intolerance. And just last month, I eliminated most of my sugar as well. I really liked the Against All Grain cookbooks and blog before eliminating the sugar. My son (with a sweet tooth) has also been gluten and dairy free. King Arthur Flour has gluten free chocolate cake and brownie mixes that are really yummy. And when/if they call for milk, I just use almond milk. Betty Crocker has a good choco chip cookie mix. There's also a lot of great gluten free pastas out there. Just be sure to check the marinara sauces for added cheese.
  • ABeautifulDistraction
    ABeautifulDistraction Posts: 348 Member
    I'm gluten and dairy free. Try making chia pudding, it's super simple and the varieties of flavors are endless. My families favorites are these two recipes:
    Chia Power Pudding
    1/2 c. coconut milk
    1 tsp vanilla
    2 TBSP chia seeds
    1 1/2 tsp Stevia
    1 c. fresh or frozen blueberries
    1 mango, diced
    Whisk together first 4 ingredients. Chill for 15 minutes then whisk again. Top with blueberries and mango, cover and refrigerate overnight.
    If you eat it as is the consistency is similar to tapioca, or you can blend it up for a more pudding like texture.

    Almond Joy Pudding
    1/4 c. Coconut milk
    1/4 c. Unsweetened Almond milk
    2 TBSP chia seeds
    1 1/2 TBSP raw organic cocoa powder
    1 TBSP Stevia
    3 TBSP unsweetened shredded coconut
    Handful slivered almonds
    Whisk it all together. Chill for 15 minutes, whisk again. Cover and refrigerate overnight
    Blend in blender or with a stick blender of you prefer it creamy.

    And if you like pumpkin:
    Pumpkin Pie Mousse
    1 c. pumpkin puree
    1/2 c. unsweetened cashew milk
    3 pitted dates, skins removed
    1/2 c. cooked cannelini beans
    1/2 tsp pumpkin pie spice
    handful toasted pecans
    Blend all ingredients except pecans in blender until light and fluffy. Top with toasted pecans.

    Starburst Smoothie
    1/4 frozen grapefruit
    6 frozen strawberries
    9 frozen dark cherries
    1/2 avocado
    1 tsp spirulina or wheat grass powder
    Coconut Water (start with 1.4 c. add more as needed for desired consistency)
    Blend well.

    Feel free to add me. My diary is closed, but I'll be happy to pm you more recipes.

  • ABeautifulDistraction
    ABeautifulDistraction Posts: 348 Member
    For pasta give chick pea flour pastas a try. They are delicious.
  • ABeautifulDistraction
    ABeautifulDistraction Posts: 348 Member
    Tuna Wraps
    1 small can tuna packed in water, drained well
    1 TBSP balsamic vinegar
    1/2 avocado, sliced
    2 green onions, sliced with tops
    cucumber slices
    Romaine lettuce leaves
    Mix together tuna, onions, and balsamic vinegar. Portion onto Romaine leaves with cucumber and avocado. Roll up and enjoy.
  • FeelsLikeAwesome
    FeelsLikeAwesome Posts: 39 Member
    *raises hand* i also avoid tree nuts and oats. I dont eat replacement foods except rarely as a holiday treat so my diary may not appeal to a kid.

    Lettuce or corn tortillas are great for sandwiches.

    A lot of paleo recipes fit the bill. Rice or potato could be added if needed. This site has recipes geared towards kids:
  • BeginnersBootcamp
    BeginnersBootcamp Posts: 90 Member
    I am gf and df! Everyone feel free to add me ☺