When you are older.................it's much more difficult...

After a healthy weight in my 30s and 40's, menopause hit at age 48, which included HRT , less exercising, walking instead of running, and more stress. By age 62, weight was 200 pounds for five foot three. I want to tell younger women that however you get to your goal weight, let it be through a lifelong possible program. Exercise daily for at least 30 minutes. Log your food intake and calories in something like MFP. Ignore all of the people who love you who sabatoge you for trying to lose weight... and oh .. they will do that. People you rely on for support get jealous.... get intimidated by your confidence, get worried that once you lose the weight you will leave them.... so they offer you pizza. Do what it takes to get to a goal weight and stay with it .... even when you reach that weight , plus or minus five pounds. Go to the doctor for physicals , annually. You like life, right? Prevent small things from growing larger. Love yourself..... a lot. It's not selfish. You can't take care of a baby.... big or small, unless you are in good health.. You have to take care of yourself. Keep yourself groomed, clean, and fresh. If there's little money, wash the clothes, buy at Good will... but keep yourself looking good. You are worth it. Life is good... and a long life in good health is fun.


  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    The only thing I regret about losing weight is that I didn't do it 15 years earlier. I was a very healthy weight until 40. I let it creep up to the top of a healthy BMI before I started MFP. And I can't tell you how much happier I am now. Wish I had done it before.

    I'd add two more things . . .

    Brush you teeth and go to the dentist! You want those teeth forever and you want them healthy and looking good.

    Use really good posture. Nothing makes you look older than stooping over from a sore back and nothing makes you look younger or feel better than really good posture. Slouching at the computer weakens your stomach muscles - trust me, I know.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    edited July 2015
    Can't help but agree - take care of your bodyand mind when you are young.

    I thought I would be old and not care by the time I reached forty.


    Luckily I was still in great shape in my 40's; it was menopause and my 50's when I put on 30 lb.

    I lost the weight counting my calories over 9-12 months, and learnt that, since I was no longer out dancing every other night, I better find an exercise I liked. I did.

    Then I started a bit of resistance training too. That is soooo important as we age.

    Now, at 61, I am in the same shape as I was in my 30's ( weight, health and strength) just look a lot older.

    Still can't run or do a sit up, never could.

    Take pride in yourself; love yourself.

    Cheers, h.
    ps have maintained now for 6+ yr
    100-105lb. : 5'1": 61yo.
  • Galexinda
    Galexinda Posts: 4 Member
    edited July 2015
    I have never been extremely overweight but as I am a short person every pound shows. Over 40 years my weight has steadied at about 134 - 139 lbs. Apart from when I got married and I was 116 lbs and that was because my fiance was overseas for five weeks prior to the wedding! Just lost 17 lb in 10 weeks and now 122 lb - all done my keeping within my TDEE and going for a 30 minute walk every day. The difference is that I am eating healthy natural food and I am very aware of portion size and I only eat when I am hungry. I eat and drink anything I want - no restrictions there but it's the amount that is important. I have to pay for private health care so when I reached 60 I went for routine blood tests, got a dental check up, had my eyes tested and a had a mammogram. All tests clear and well within healthy range for my age, no chronic illnesses and not on medication - looking forward to my senior years!