Slimming/Muscle building in arms

nati777 Posts: 11 Member
Ok so here's my dilemma, I've been working out really hard for a few months now and I feel like my arms are beginning to look bulky and aren't slimming down much. I've made changes to my diet but I wouldn't mind some advice on maybe some things I can do in the gym to help along the process. I try to always lift heavy but maybe I'm doing something wrong or just impatient.


  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    How many calories are you eating daily?

    Chances are, if you're in a deficit, you aren't building that much muscle (if any at all) which will make your arms look bigger. If you're losing weight, your arms might be becoming a bit more defined so muscle is more visible... which gives it a 'bulky' look.