Like Minded Lushes - Part 1



  • boricua3177
    boricua3177 Posts: 192 Member
    Well, I have decided that after this weekend I am not going to drink anymore. When I drink, I drink to get drunk. At one point I had gone over 2 months without drinking and I actually felt better and had more energy. Although I have cut my drinking back to 2 or 3 times a week, I need to cut it out completely.

    When I drink, I get the munchies and eat unhealthy things more than I really should. Since I'm drunk I really don't care what I eat. This has also contributed to me packing on the pounds in such a short period of time. My own mother told me today that I am getting big, this is the biggest I have been in my entire life.

    I do plan on doing some partying this weekend since it is mine & hubbie's first anniversary - but after Sunday no more drinking at all. If I get the urge to drink, I am hopping on my treadmill instead.

    I am not liking the way I look and am starting to get embarrassed when I run into people I haven't seen in a long time.
  • surlydave
    surlydave Posts: 512 Member
    Well, I have decided that after this weekend I am not going to drink anymore. When I drink, I drink to get drunk. At one point I had gone over 2 months without drinking and I actually felt better and had more energy. Although I have cut my drinking back to 2 or 3 times a week, I need to cut it out completely.

    When I drink, I get the munchies and eat unhealthy things more than I really should. Since I'm drunk I really don't care what I eat. This has also contributed to me packing on the pounds in such a short period of time. My own mother told me today that I am getting big, this is the biggest I have been in my entire life.

    I do plan on doing some partying this weekend since it is mine & hubbie's first anniversary - but after Sunday no more drinking at all. If I get the urge to drink, I am hopping on my treadmill instead.

    I am not liking the way I look and am starting to get embarrassed when I run into people I haven't seen in a long time.

    I admire your candor, as well your efforts! Keep coming back here and I will ride your *kitten* like Seattle Slew if you need tough love :wink:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    (stands up) Hi, everyone...My name is Kim...I like to drink (a lot):drinker:

    I saw this post before I went on vacation...I am on my last day in Chicago...I came here to visit family and do the Warrior Dash...there is no way that I would be able to come here and not drink:blushing:

    As an example, we camped at a site from Friday night, did Warrior Dash on Saturday morning and left Sunday afternoon...we averaged 26 alcoholic beverages per person for that weekend...There was a pretty good group of us there and we had the best time

    I will be home tomorrow and ready to give my poor liver a much needed break from this week. I drink a lot with the summer sitting outside, festivals, and happy hours with friends

    So, my question is: does this group have any goals or is it individually set. I would guess that I drink on average 4 drinks a day (28 per week). My starting date will be June 23...shoot, I have a grad party on the 26th (he, he)

    Anyone with the same average as me? Maybe, we could commiserate together...I guess I will try to limit to one to two days a week and stay out of the double digits.

    Have a good day!!! Kim
  • surlydave
    surlydave Posts: 512 Member
    Hi Kim and welcome! Please tell me more about your time in Chicago so I can live vicariously through you and get nostalgic about my home town. :sad:

    Everyone on here is individual in terms of goals. As you can see from a few posts prior to yours, some people are going cold turkey. Mostly I would say people here are shooting to cut back to drinking only on weekends or they are already doing that and want to maintain it. I can assure you that there are plenty of people on here who drink often and a lot (and in the ballpark of number of drinks you are talking). I was definitely drinking that much before I cut back (all of LAST WEEK lol) and still am not down to 2 days a week.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Dave, I am still in Chicago and will drive home tomorrow to Minnesota...thank God...I really cannot eat or drink anymorenoway

    Thanks for the warm welcome. Doesn't feel like I drink a lot...but, then you add up the numbers and I'm WOW. We go to a restaurant with 32oz beers and you think it's only 1...but,'s 3.

    I have eaten and am sure that you can appreciate beef sandwiches, good pizza, gyros, Italian restaurants and hot Italian sausages...I have learned to use my middle fingers and drive aggressively again...I appreciate that although the city is huge that people are still pretty friendly probably because of the midwestern culture...I can see the diversity of this huge city and understand that is what freedom is's still humid as hell and sticky...blackhawk pride is high with t-shirts everywhere.

    Warrior Dash was the BEST...All the cousins had so much fun...there were 9 of us competingbigsmile

    I finished in 54 minutes with a slight hangover...the hardest obstacles was walking the plank over the gorge (it was so slippery) and jumping, not one, but two fires. The fire consisted of coals and timber and that flame was a good three feet. It was hotdevil My whole family loved it and want to make it an annual event. We had custom made t-shirts with our warrior names on the back and wore leopard print skirts. Some of the costumes that people wore were totally outlandish. You could sit all day and watch them. noway

    If you can ever make it, you would have a blast...hope this helps you in some way
  • boricua3177
    boricua3177 Posts: 192 Member

    I admire your candor, as well your efforts! Keep coming back here and I will ride your *kitten* like Seattle Slew if you need tough love :wink:

    Yes, please give me tough love!!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • BeerKahuna
    BeerKahuna Posts: 52
    Yesterday was day two of not drinking during the week. It really seems to have jump-started my metabolism again as I feel great and I've lost 1.7 lbs since my last weigh-in. It's also a LOT easier to be under my calorie goal - and I get to eat more.

    Day three might be a bit harder since I'm supposed to play a quick round of golf with co-workers after work tonight . . . at a course with their own brewery . . . with beer shacks scattered around the course.

    Cheers! :happy: :drinker:
  • tex43
    tex43 Posts: 229
    I believe I definitely fall into this catagory,I am a professional drinker,and I have through numerous experiments figured out what works for me.I totally agree that it is much slower loosing the weight because of our life style,but as everyone says this is not a diet,it is a life style change.I did have to change my lifestyle,I probably drink at least 3 times a week,sometimes more and sometimes less,more in the summer,lot's of BBQ's and beach outings.My wife likes to drink just as much as I do so we're a couple of functioning compatible alchy's lol.I have been consistently loosing 2 to 3 lbs .a week,and am on month 3,probably would have been more if I didn't have my beer and drink it to,but had I changed that part of my lifestyle I would have quit by now.I drink lite beer from miller,and I know a few of you out there hate lite,but it's what you get use to.Anyway,I work out usually 5 days a week,and I burn 600 to a thousand calories per session,if I know I'm drinking tonight for example,I add in my 8 to 12 beers before I input my food,and as long as I don't go over my alotment,I'm good.I never (anymore) eat anything after drinking,might be why I drink so many to,cuz when I lay it down I'm out,but also important to not drink so many that I won't get up and hit the gym in the morning.
  • surlydave
    surlydave Posts: 512 Member
    Yesterday was day two of not drinking during the week. It really seems to have jump-started my metabolism again as I feel great and I've lost 1.7 lbs since my last weigh-in. It's also a LOT easier to be under my calorie goal - and I get to eat more.

    Day three might be a bit harder since I'm supposed to play a quick round of golf with co-workers after work tonight . . . at a course with their own brewery . . . with beer shacks scattered around the course.

    Cheers! :happy: :drinker:

    I had the exact same experience. It almost defies logic that so little of a change can make such a difference so quickly.

    And my god I want to play that course! I retract everything bad I ever said about your city (it's a hockey thing)!
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member

    So, my question is: does this group have any goals or is it individually set. I would guess that I drink on average 4 drinks a day (28 per week). My starting date will be June 23...shoot, I have a grad party on the 26th (he, he)

    Anyone with the same average as me? Maybe, we could commiserate together...I guess I will try to limit to one to two days a week and stay out of the double digits.

    Have a good day!!! Kim

    Hi Kim ~ I will be doing to opposite of you next week. Leaving Chicagoland (home) and leaving for vacation in the Northwoods of Minnesota where I plan on indulging a little. :drinker:

    I am right there with ya and definitely was drinking 4 + drinks a day. Last week I went Monday through Thursday without anything and I am doing the same this week. So you are not alone and found a great board. Welcome!
  • georgespelvin
    Oh my god, Kim, I'm horrendously jealous of you :( A whole group of my friends are headed to Chicago this weekend, and I couldn't afford to go on such short notice D:

    I think I'm going to try giving it up during the week... the thing is my roommate and best drinking buddy works five days on three days off so HER weekends are always changing, maybe I'll have to coordinate with her! Haha.
  • tex43
    tex43 Posts: 229
    Yesterday was day two of not drinking during the week. It really seems to have jump-started my metabolism again as I feel great and I've lost 1.7 lbs since my last weigh-in. It's also a LOT easier to be under my calorie goal - and I get to eat more.

    Day three might be a bit harder since I'm supposed to play a quick round of golf with co-workers after work tonight . . . at a course with their own brewery . . . with beer shacks scattered around the course.

    Cheers! :happy: :drinker:

    I had the exact same experience. It almost defies logic that so little of a change can make such a difference so quickly.

    And my god I want to play that course! I retract everything bad I ever said about your city (it's a hockey thing)!
    you gotta have aiming fluid for golf!

    I'm super competative,and unlike a bunch of dudes I play with,who actually get better with every beer,I get much worse,so I generally wait till at least hole 9 to open the first beer.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Hi Kim ~ I will be doing to opposite of you next week. Leaving Chicagoland (home) and leaving for vacation in the Northwoods of Minnesota where I plan on indulging a little. :drinker:

    I am right there with ya and definitely was drinking 4 + drinks a day. Last week I went Monday through Thursday without anything and I am doing the same this week. So you are not alone and found a great board. Welcome!

    Thanks! Too funny you are going to MN...what part are you going to? I am going to try and not do the weekday stuff definitely...we go to baseball games 4/5 weeknights and end up eating out a lot which always tastes good with a few ends weekend of July 10th...Thank God
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Oh my god, Kim, I'm horrendously jealous of you :( A whole group of my friends are headed to Chicago this weekend, and I couldn't afford to go on such short notice D:

    I think I'm going to try giving it up during the week... the thing is my roommate and best drinking buddy works five days on three days off so HER weekends are always changing, maybe I'll have to coordinate with her! Haha.

    Don't be jealous!!! You saved your liver!!! Good idea to change up the weekends...Let me know how it works out...I'm an RN and work every other weekend on the PM shift, I would say it helps to slow things down; but, I end up working around it!!!

    On a positive note, my two older kids (16 and 19) don't indulge in the liquid stuff...probably, from watching hubby and me!!!
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    With sheer grit and determination I managed to drink nothing last night. I am down another pound today, currently at my lowest weight in a long time, and my lowest since starting MFP. Will I make it another day? We'll see. Personally, if I go a couple of days a week not drinking, and only drink 1 on the weekdays that I drink, that is a huge improvement, and I have seen it in the scale. I think when you are maintaining, it is probably okay to drink every day, but when trying to lose, sadly it works better without the alcohol. :sad:
  • ivygirl328
    ivygirl328 Posts: 121
    I am so glad I am not alone here. I, too, am jealous of you Kim. I would love to be back in Chicago right now. I'm not from there, but my husband is and we try to go as often as we can. Usually to hang out at the clubs and drink :drinker: . We have trips planned in September and December already. Can I bank calories now to be used then? There is no way that I will be able to go and not indulge.

    My personal goals are to get through the week without drinking and seriously cut back during the weekend. I'm considering, gasp, switching to the MGD 64 or the Bud 55 calories. It's either that or rum and diet coke. Those always go to my head a lot faster though.
  • tex43
    tex43 Posts: 229
    I am so glad I am not alone here. I, too, am jealous of you Kim. I would love to be back in Chicago right now. I'm not from there, but my husband is and we try to go as often as we can. Usually to hang out at the clubs and drink :drinker: . We have trips planned in September and December already. Can I bank calories now to be used then? There is no way that I will be able to go and not indulge.

    My personal goals are to get through the week without drinking and seriously cut back during the weekend. I'm considering, gasp, switching to the MGD 64 or the Bud 55 calories. It's either that or rum and diet coke. Those always go to my head a lot faster though.
    I tried the MGd 64,not bad tasting,but I could drink like 20 and not have a buz,and my stomach was so full I could hear it sloshing when I walked.Miller Lite has and is my drink of choice,only 96 calories.
  • LisaKC
    LisaKC Posts: 328 Member
    I like the Mich Ultra Amber. Still light, but tastes like beer.
  • tex43
    tex43 Posts: 229
    I like the Mich Ultra Amber. Still light, but tastes like beer.
    haven't tried that one,I tried the ultra and didn't like it,how many calories are in the Amber?
  • LisaKC
    LisaKC Posts: 328 Member
    Not sure, maybe a little more than Lite? In any case, I'm willing to trade off for more beer flavor. Try one.