I'm excited to swap workout and diet tips... and even fun ways to stay active!

Hello Everyone. I am new to this site and am looking to drop 140 lbs. I have yo-yo'd many times before but nothing has ever stuck. I've noticed when I approach difficult obstacles with a solo mentality I have a habit of not completing the goals I set out for myself. Thankfully I've responded well in the past with a little bit of support from others, so here I am. Looking to boost my motivation and help others likewise! I love to swim and for now, that is my main method of exercise. Have a very supportive hubby (he's freaking awesome) but looking to share with new friends with like-mindedness who can relate on a very literal level. I'm excited to swap workout and diet tips... and even fun ways to stay active!


  • carakirkey
    carakirkey Posts: 199 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hi There, I've yoyo'd many a times as well. I feel like this time around is different. Its a longterm lifestyle change. I've built in many strategies and support mechanisms- my fitness pal, my gym has a trainer program, and I joined a exercise and nutrition group at work. For exercise- I have intentional exercise at the gym (ideally in the morning) at least 4 times a week. But I also try to get in exercise at other opportunities- eg. walking on my lunch hour, outtings with friends incorporate a hike or rent kayaks, and with my kids bike riding or kicking the soccer ball around. I've also set a plan that lists my common obstacles (what derailed me in the past) and how to overcome those- eg. injury, social outtings, scheduling. I've already put to use my strategy to overcome injury. I think without planning that first, I may have given up after my injury. A solid plan and support will help you achieve your goals. Good luck to you