Help with weight loss


I'm trying to lose some weight, approximately 20lbs., maybe slightly more. It is after pregnancy weight. With new baby I don't have as much time or thought to put into it which had made it challenging. Can anyone help me with some ideas for relatively easy go-to lunches and dinners to prepare that are healthy, yummy and calorie concious? Also if there's anyone in same boat of needing to lose some weight and need some motivation, maybe we can be fitness buddies? Send me a message. I'm really ready to start taking this weight off, it's been 6 months since baby!



  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Hi kim !
    Meal prepping and planning really helps me when im busy. For example after youve figured out what dinner your going to fit into your calories, make a bif batch when you have the time, Weigh out everything with a food scale and put it in some Tupperware for later. Then when your busy, you can stilll stay on track with your healthy pre made dinners that are already weighed out.
    I reAlly liked rice with beans and veggies mixed in , you can add different meats and season it differently so you wont get bored. Its easy to make and easy to reheat .
    But it doesnt matter what you eat per say, it's really going to come down to your overall calories. Calories in ~ calories out. For weight loss all thats needed is a calorie deficit. So eat less, move more and you'll be fine. After youve mastered counting calories and weighing foods ,.you can worry about hitting your macros. But at first, its very important just to understand how to calorie count accurately using a food scale. If you dont have one already , id definitely pick one up.
    Best of luck!
  • terbusha
    terbusha Posts: 1,483 Member
    I'd be happy to be fitness buddies and help you along your journey. I'm working on improving my metabolism so I can do a body fat cut in a few months.

    I help to run a great support and accountability group on Facebook for people looking to improve their health and fitness. It's just a bunch of people supporting and encouraging each other to make progress towards their goals. It's an awesome community. We also share a bunch of recipes too. If you're interested in it, I'd be glad to chat with you about it.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Really, I just eat all my normal foods within my calorie goal.

    Since it's summer I've been eating alot of homemade burgers.
    Chicken wraps are also one of my go to foods.

    Dinners are usually grilled chicken with sides of veggies.
    Crockpot dinners are also great.

    Even a bit of McDonald's every now and then (ok, maybe once or twice a week) works for me, I just pick things that are higher in protein and fit in my calorie goal. Usually I get something like a McDouble, 4 piece nuggets and a fruit&yogurt parfait and it's a little over 600 calories.