New and need friends to stop me eating the chocolate that's calling my name!

Hi. Need to get rid of this weight once and for all! Fed up with the losing and gaining! But the cravings! I just ate healthy...but my body is screaming chocolate! And I've not cheated for 6 days...but right now...


  • Faithful_Chosen
    Faithful_Chosen Posts: 401 Member
    Does it fit into your calorie deficiency? Then have a square of chocolate, log it, and be happy :smile:
  • Nebrie
    Nebrie Posts: 56 Member
    I'm going to agree with Faithful_Chosen. A square of Dove dark chocolate is my preference. I freeze mine. Don't chew it. Just let it dissolve in your mouth. The longer you get to enjoy that one piece the more satisfied you'll be so you won't over indulge. If something is completely off limits and it's not due to a medical necessity then really you're just punishing yourself because you think you deserve it. (You don't deserve to be punished, btw)

    Now, some people do have trigger foods where once they start it's like putting a lion in a pet carrier to stop. If chocolate is a trigger food for you look into chocolatey things that might curb the craving without actually triggering you. I have a protein powder in chocolate and even mixed in 8oz of water tastes like Nesquik to me.
  • wendywaydown
    wendywaydown Posts: 16 Member
    Yep..its not 1 square of chocolate for me...It would be the whole shop! It's definitely a trigger. 1 square would make me think...what the hell. Then I've eaten 5 bars of chocolate and a packet of biscuits! No. Logically. I know it's not hunger it's a craving. But if we never gave in we'd all be skinny! Staying away from the chocolate!
  • Faithful_Chosen
    Faithful_Chosen Posts: 401 Member
    Yep..its not 1 square of chocolate for me...It would be the whole shop! It's definitely a trigger. 1 square would make me think...what the hell. Then I've eaten 5 bars of chocolate and a packet of biscuits! No. Logically. I know it's not hunger it's a craving. But if we never gave in we'd all be skinny! Staying away from the chocolate!

    If it's your vice, then yep, stay away. Don't buy it, lock it away, whatever. We're just saying that it's okay to buy a little bar every now and again and indulge if you fit it into your calorie allotment :smile: