Carb nite solution... Anyone tried it?

Rivers2k Posts: 380 Member
Before I start please don't turn this into a low carb diet debate. I have heard it all before. I just want to know peoples experiences and results who have tried Carb Nite Solution. I must say I am huge anti fad diet person but I saw the results in front of me and I cant argue with it.

I ran into a guy Friday night who I have know for 27 years. I haven't seen him much in the past few months and when I saw him I didn't recognize him until he said hi. He had lost 47 lbs in 2 months and he looked good. He had always been chubby and not one for working out. So I was shocked at the results.

I decided yesterday I was going to give a shot. I know I can't live a lifetime on this diet. My reason for doing this is get the weight off so I can exercise with out knee and ankle pain cause from an previous injury.

Has anyone else tried this?

I would love to hear your results or any tips or advice you may have on this.


  • Rivers2k
    Rivers2k Posts: 380 Member
    Anyone ???
  • msalyga
    msalyga Posts: 7
    Hi Rivers2k,

    I have recently started the CNS diet, and so far so good. Today is day 10 for me, so it will be my first Carb Nite! Up until now I have been keeping it below 30g carbs/day- which hasn't been as much of a struggle as I would have imagined. If you like meat, and you like being creative---it's a good way to go. I have already lost 3 pounds, and an inch from both my upper waist and lower waist. (I will say that I tend to lose from my waist really fast- so when my thighs start going down, I will feel miraculous).

    Ultimately, if you're not ready to invest in the diet- I think going low carb, cutting out the extra pasta, rice, potatoes, bread slices, would be a good starter.

    Good Luck!
  • Rivers2k
    Rivers2k Posts: 380 Member
    I am on day 2 it isn't so bad. I am actually getting really full I thought I was going to be starving. To be honest I didn't get the book because I have three kids ages 3 years to new born so I never have time to read. I have been counting total carbs to be safe. Does the book suggest Net Carbs or Total Carbs?

    Congrats on your weight loss and the inches loss that is Awesome! I have read that the day after day 10 you gain a good couple lbs back for about 24 hours and then it is gone again. So don't be discouraged if that happens.
  • msalyga
    msalyga Posts: 7
    That's wonderful! I felt a lot fuller as well- especially as the days progressed.

    I actually am not sure about your question. I know it does say that fiber does some outweighing of carbs, but I'm not sure what it means exactly. To be safe I've been sticking to a straight 30g carbs or less. I'm afraid if I start calculating this against that I will mess up.

    And yes, I'll be on the lookout to make sure everything is in order- but I am expecting to have that 24 hour period of weight gain!

    Glad to hear all is well so far, I think day 4 is when my sweet tooth start screaming for sugar :)
  • Rivers2k
    Rivers2k Posts: 380 Member
    Its funny I never had a sweet tooth until I couldn't have it and then I started craving things that I never craved before. I think I sticking to the standard 30 grams as well. I will mess with calculating net carbs after I have been doing this for a few weeks.

    Any good low carb recipe ideas you have come up with? How are you making sure you are getting enough fiber?
  • msalyga
    msalyga Posts: 7
    That's exactly what happened to me. I'm really craving fruits too, so that will be a main component of my meal tonight.

    I haven't identified and low carb recipes yet, I've been pretty bland at the moment. But to get my fiber I've been have a teaspoon of Metamucil every day!
  • mmwiseman
    mmwiseman Posts: 3 Member
    So glad to find people new to Carb Nite. I don't have the book but Instagram has been a great resource. A lot of people post pictures with recipes and there are some great ideas.
    This is THE BEST diet. Last night I sat on the couch watching tv and eating pepperonis. :)
    For 2 months straight, I did Insanity and ate a 1200 calorie diet like it was a religion ... and lost 6 lbs. Not what I was hoping for.
    Tomorrow I will be a week into CNS, and I have lost 4 lbs! But my picture from last week compared to this week is what is so crazy to me. The picture looks like I have lost 8-10 pounds and I have more definition in my arms and stomach than I have ever seen. Clearly I am losing body fat while increasing my muscle mass. I have never been so excited about weight-loss results.
    To answer your question about net carbs, I do know that you can subtract fiber from your total carbs so as long as your net carbs are under 30, you're good. One question I haven't been able to get a solid answer on though, is sugar alcohols. I've read some things that say sugar alcohols will throw your body out of ketosis (the reason Carb Nite works) but some people say it depends on the person. I have to have a Diet Dr. Pepper every once in awhile so I just try to have it with a meat-only meal so as not to spike my insulin levels as much. If anybody has any feedback on that, I'd love to hear it.

    One great thing that helps my sweet tooth is EAS AdvantEdge shakes. They're pre-made and I get mine at Kroger but you can also order them on Amazon I think. 110 calories so more a snack than a meal replacement. The chocolate is the only one I've tried and I really like it. 17 g of protein and 3 net carbs ( 4 carbs -1 g fiber ). Really hard to beat. Hope that helps!
  • msalyga
    msalyga Posts: 7

    Thanks for that! I've been looking around for things that have that 'sweet tooth' feel, but I keep finding weird fluff recipes (I can't locate the ingredients or care to search that hard for them) so your note is awesome! Keep up the good work, sounds like you're doing good so far!
  • OkieTink
    OkieTink Posts: 285 Member
    I downloaded the book last week...I guess I should read it :)
  • DJNekura
    DJNekura Posts: 1
    Lo Carb changed my life... All I really need to say.
  • OkieTink
    OkieTink Posts: 285 Member
    I'm already low carb, I just don't do refeed's like I should..
  • Rivers2k
    Rivers2k Posts: 380 Member
    I am on day 4 now and feeling great. Weighed in and lost 5 lbs since Sunday. I have been yoyoing for the past 6 months on straight calorie deficit. Low carb makes me feel great I feel stronger i have more energy. Best of all no more stomach problems and I hate to be gross but no more gas! My wife is happy about that one :)

    Glad to hear people are doing the net carb.

    I don't know what they say about sugar alcohal but i know people drink diet soda on atkins and diabetic diets so I think you should be fine with the Diet Dr. Pepper.
  • sherryannsizemore
    I have been low carb now since the end of January. I have lost fifty pounds so far following the Adkins diet, but have decided to give Carb Nite a try. Carb Nite says to stay away from sugar alcohols, but with Adkins it's o.k. Adkins says that sugar alcohols do not cause most peoples blood sugar to spike, that's why they deduct them from the meal bars and so forth.
  • rachelewert
    rachelewert Posts: 1 Member
    i make this few times a week 4 table spoons of raw unfiltered coconut oil, melt in micro till clear add 4 table spoons of cocoa powder (unsweetend) add liquid stevia, splenda, ect to taste. put in ice trays freeze for 15 min tastle like dark chocolate with 4.52 carbs for the whole batch.
  • abattisti1
    I follow a healthy diet and don't like sweets. I excercise a ton but could not lose weight. I even started doing more extreme excercises, still gained a little muscle but not losing fat. In 4 days on this , I've been losing 0.5 lb per day! This is the first time I've seen the scales go down in sooo long! And I'm eating way more than I usually do and high protein/fatty foods that are very satisfying! I feel great and not tired. I know a lot is water weight at first, but even losing that makes u look leaner. Seeing the scales keep going down is a constant motivator, and knowing that I don't have to kill myself at the gym anymore and am still losing weight is so great! I don't have to spend my whole life at the gym!! I feel like I finally found the key!
  • abattisti1
    In the book he says to stay away from sugar alcohols but splenda and stevia are ok. I'm still not sure if I believe even those are ok from what I've been reading. The problem is , some people are more likely to spike insulin even with any kind of sweetener. I know i f I go above 30g carbs its back to the drawing board so I don't wanna risk it. When I crave something sweet which is rare, I have a low carb protein drink or calorie countdown 2% chocolate milk
  • daubbermom
    daubbermom Posts: 8 Member
    I don't diet but I have made changes to my food plan. I have found out I am insulin intolerant and therefore cannot eat simple carbs, potatoes, rice, pasta, bread, sugar. It sends my blood sugars out the window. I also have diabetes. Since carb control, I have gone off most of my meds for diabetes and lost 92 lbs.:wink:
  • jj789
    jj789 Posts: 5 Member
    I'd like to hear an update from people on this board. I've started Carb Nite too. I read through the conversation and I think I can help with some of the prior questions since I just finished the book:

    1. You can have up to 30 NET carbs. That means total carbs of food item - fiber = net carbs. The author really makes a point with the importance of fiber in this diet.
    2. He does not allow sugar alcohols.
    3. He does not recommend fruit on your carb night meals. Fructose does not create the same effect. If you must, have one or two pieces.

    I've been on Atkins and lost some weight, but I've been stuck for a while and I'm hoping this helps me jump past the plateau. Good luck everyone!
  • joolywooly33
    joolywooly33 Posts: 421 Member
    Bump... very interesting! Is it worth buying the book?
  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member