Desk Jobs - What to do?



  • djshari
    djshari Posts: 513 Member
    I have the same issues and already see some good suggestions. If you are working an 8 hour day you should get two 15 min paid breaks by law (I think one is mandatory and one is optional). We never officially take ours but like you I try to walk around. Mini workouts are ok as well - I mostly stretch a lot and maybe do some jumping jacks in the bathroom. Our office can get too cold in the winter sometimes and at that point I'm jumping up and down at my desk just to warm up. I get a whole hour for lunch so if I'm not running errands I walk on a trail about 5 mins away from my work. The min is 10 mins and the most I do is 25 just to avoid getting too sweaty and to make sure I have time to eat.

    It's easy and snarky just to suggest to work out before or after work but after sitting for 8 hours I just feel like a slug. I try to keep active through out the day not specificially for weight loss but to keep my blood moving and my brain awake. I'm always looking for simple stretches and things like that to add into my day as well.

    You can also google isometric exercises for an idea of ones you can do sitting down and other stretches.
  • javajunco
    javajunco Posts: 81
    Yup! Between the subway ride, my desk job, and the time I sit in front of my computer at home, I sit for 11-13 hours a day!

    I go to the gym before work every day. On the weekends I go for long or very long walks, spend at least 1.5 hours pulling weeds and gardening and/or housework.

    At work, if it's feasible, instead of emailing or calling coworkers, walk to their desk and talk to them in person.
  • Richie2shoes
    Richie2shoes Posts: 412 Member
    On top of my regular exercise, I take two 15 minute walks, 1 in the morning and 1 in the afternoon.
  • cosmic8o8
    cosmic8o8 Posts: 131 Member
    I walk during my half hour lunch. While taking my two 10min breaks, I do leg lifts or plie squats. While at my desk, I try to stretch every 20min or so and I also keep a set of light weights in my office and try to do a few reps throughout the day.
  • lorigem
    lorigem Posts: 446 Member
    I'm so getting a fitness ball. I already told the gals here and they're so down to do that as well. An easy fix!
  • amybg1
    amybg1 Posts: 631 Member
    I'll workout on my off day or directly after work as I only have a few minutes' bus ride to the gym from work.

    At work the bathroom's a minute away into the garage portion of the building so if I need it then I'll walk there, if not then I'll make a point to at the very least stand and stretch every hour as I find I get stiff if I sit for too long
  • jadermary
    jadermary Posts: 105 Member
    Throw chair away use yoga ball if they'll let you.

    Request standing work station.

    ^Those 2 don't work all the time. I use the alternative approach. Move when off work.

    I don't mean to sound dumb but what do you do with a yoga ball at work? I have seen girls in my building with them but I have no clue what they do with them in an office setting. Thanks
  • lorigem
    lorigem Posts: 446 Member
    Throw chair away use yoga ball if they'll let you.

    Request standing work station.

    ^Those 2 don't work all the time. I use the alternative approach. Move when off work.

    I don't mean to sound dumb but what do you do with a yoga ball at work? I have seen girls in my building with them but I have no clue what they do with them in an office setting. Thanks

    I use it as a chair. Bought one on Monday and sit on it for 20 minutes at a time. Activates your core muscles and helps with posture. Works great.
  • runningjen74
    runningjen74 Posts: 312 Member
    There was a tread on this yesterday:

    Someone on this tread recommended this pdf/book:

    It's "How to get stronger at work when your boss isn't looking" by Josh Hanagarne

    Have a read. Since reading it yesterday, I took my foam roller in to work, figured it was a good time at break to get some mobility work done. I've also been practicing pistol squats all day - just 2-3 per leg when I went to the loo or found myself on my own. I can't near get down far enough, but it gives me something to aim for. I think I'll work up to a series of dynamic stretches tied in with the mobility and maybe a few yoga stretches. I found even the 10 min today loosened me up when I was back at my desk.

    We've showers in work, so twice a week I go for a run at lunch with a colleague. I also try (but don't actually succeed very ofter) in cycling/walking in to work a couple of times a week. It's about 6km each way. Next week! (whistles...looking around the room)

    You just need to decide to move more and use the time you have.