Frustrated & looking for some help

Good Morning,
I am really frustrated and looking for some help. I am on 1200 calories per day and I exercise 5X per week burning between 450-550 calories per session. I know that this question has been asked but... Should I be eating my exercise calories back? I have not been and I have not lost (actually gained a couple of pounds) in the last month. I have been very strict and never go over 1200 calories per day. I am at a total loss and very frustrated. Thanks!


  • potluck965
    potluck965 Posts: 529 Member
    If at first you don't succeed, try something else. You are supposed to eat back at least part of your exercise calories, so do that and see if it helps.

    When what you are doing isn't working, change it up!!
  • TurquoisWater
    TurquoisWater Posts: 26 Member
    Have you taken your measurements? Maybe you've lost inches, but gained muscle which is heavier and less spacious?
    Good luck!
  • erica6732
    erica6732 Posts: 80 Member
    go to the message board and type in eating exercise calories in the search menu
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Yes, you should be eating them back, especially set at 1200 a day.

    MFP has you at a calorie deficit with your daily goal - if you ate to 1200 every day and did zero exercise, you'd lose because it's a deficit. Add exercise, and you're creating a HUGE deficit - this is why your exercise cals are added back into your goal when you log them - you are supposed to eat them back.

    Food is fuel - eat too little for too long and you're giving your body a reason to store fat rather than burn it. 1200 is considered the bare minimum intake for women, so you should at least be netting that much.
  • 06agupta
    06agupta Posts: 37
    Also, if you repeat the same exercises over a period of time, your body gets used to it and your metabolism adapts accordingly. Same with food - if you eat the same amount of calories every day, your metabolism will slow down over a period of time and you might hit a "plateau".

    My suggestion will be to try a different program of exercise. Eat more when you exercise, your body really needs it (but within limits ofcourse). On rest days, hit the 1200 calorie mark. You should be fine! Just need to kick back that metabolism into gear :)
  • lenamae23
    lenamae23 Posts: 60 Member
    Yes you need to eat them back. You can lose weight eating low calories diets but you won't be able to do it forever and you won't maintain. Also eating low cal diets can cause you to burn muscle so although you will weigh less you will look fatter.