Getting fit & healthy by my 30th

:) Im 2 days off my 29th birthday and it has finally hit home that I dont want to be over weight and miserable in my 30's like I have been all through my 20's. Ive joined the gym and heard that MFP is the best app to use. Ive got 80lbs to lose in 12 months. Id love some friends to keep me motivated and for me to support as well. Please feel free to add me


  • tibby531
    tibby531 Posts: 717 Member
    I did it, and so can you! :)
  • sammyjojade23
    sammyjojade23 Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you just really struggle with support so any help wud be a massive bonus :)
  • richardperez405
    richardperez405 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm just turned 30 and I can't help to compare to ppl who r in their 20s. I need to stop getting comfortable with being lazy. Who has time to workout anyways when u have to work, take care of your loved ones., go to all the house duties....Damn.....I wanna sleep and never wake up.
    After finding an aweome trail near by the house, I've begun to jog, hike up hills, enjoy nature for at least an hour 3 times a week. I'm reaching the end of my 2 week and I feel good. My stress level Has lowered (i guess I'm too tired to
    Now, My eating habits are something else. Ive started cooking at home and created new ideas focusing on nutrition. Thankfully i love to cook and experience different foods in the kitchen.
    All I want out of this is too feel strong , clear minded and healthy inside out.
  • sammyjojade23
    sammyjojade23 Posts: 6 Member
    Tell me about it! Im looking at my 20 something friends happily eating anything they want and not exercising but looking FAB and theres me just looking at chocolate and 2lbs goes straight on. Ive recently joined the gym which im enjoying but I dont want the novelty to wear off
  • Lizzles4Shizzles
    Lizzles4Shizzles Posts: 122 Member
    I actually have the same goal - I'm turning 29 this coming October, but by next October when I turn 30, I want to finally be at a healthy weight. I know I have a lot to lose (ideally about 110lbs altogether), so I'm starting now because I know it will be a process. But I'm just trying to focus on how much better I feel already, just from working out and eating better, and that seems to help my mindset a lot. Like you, I'm still in the "novelty" stage, as I've only been at this for about 3 weeks, and I know the excitement and determination I feel now will eventually wear off, so trying to figure out ways to stay motivated and consistent can be challenging. Good luck & feel free to add me if you'd like!
  • laurainottawa
    laurainottawa Posts: 64 Member
    I'm a month and a half away from my 30th, and have fluctuated from 165ish-210 lbs through my 20s. I've used MFP on and off over the past couple of years, but I want to really commit this time and lose the weight. My goal is to lose 55-60 lbs (currently 202). Same as you and Lizzles, I joined a gym 4 weeks ago, and don't want to stop going.
    I won't make it to a healthy weight by 30, but I don't want to hit 31 and still be overweight.
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    Same goal here! I'm 29 and single (yet again, ugh) and want to be fit and fab by 30 (March for me). We can do this together!!
  • sammyjojade23
    sammyjojade23 Posts: 6 Member
    Day 1 for me today. Here goes, we can do this!! :-)
  • ShannonMK9
    ShannonMK9 Posts: 65 Member
    You can do it, make sure to set a time for working out and stick to the schedule - hardest part is getting a routine going and sticking to it (takes a couple weeks to get into the habit). Also do not get discouraged if you are not seeing scale changes as fast as you want, you may still be losing fat tissue as you develop muscle tissue - take starting pics and measurements :smile: it helps to have other stuff to compare to besides the scale.
    Good luck and you guys can add me as a friend if you want, even though not in the 30 group.