success without a food scale



  • initialsdeebee
    initialsdeebee Posts: 83 Member
    I am able to lose weight without weighing anything and my deficit is not big. 0.5 pounds per week and not planning to lose more than 15 total. I agree that a scale can be an interesting learning opportunity to see what portions actually look like, but in my opinion it's just fine to eyeball, look at packages, use a measuring cup or spoon when convenient, and eat. It seems like so many people on this site are so adamant about precision and weighing--freaked out about how every person and every package always vastly under estimates calories all the time. The way I see it if it's possible to under estimate, it's possible to over estimate, and so it can (and for me does) balance out, as long as you're not being totally careless and have an idea of the calories in something (which is the magic of this website). If you want to use a scale, that's all good and people can do what they want--but the key is whatever works. I just like to hear and offer another, more relaxed stance sometimes. Most important though, if it works for you, it's not an inferior method.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    mantium999 wrote: »
    Would cheese slices, packaged in a way that the nutrition facts are listed on the front, be less valuable that a block of cheese that you have to cut yourself?

    You are clearly a stranger to quality cheese.

    Haha are cheese slices even real cheese? And don't get me started on the squeezey cheese I had the misfortune to be given the one time I went to the US...