I want, excuse me, I NEED, someone to motivate me to lose these 25-30 pounds. I am 5'4'', 18 years old and roughly 150 pounds on a bad day and 148 on a good day. I have never been super overweight but I am currently unhappy with my figure and thats all that matters right? My one problem; motivation. I am fed up with starting over so I need some weight loss buddies along the away so we can motivate each other to stay on track!!! we can do it together! WHO'S IN???


  • williamwj2014
    williamwj2014 Posts: 750 Member
    Outside of the app, it's all you. People on here for the most part are encouraging. Just figured I'd throw in a bit of advice but, try to have meals high in protein, it keeps you feeling full much longer. Don't deprive yourself of foods such as chips, if you want them, have them but be sure to log them and to log them accurately, get a food scale so you can weigh everything out!
  • ermand
    ermand Posts: 54 Member
    I'm on here everyday. Cleaned out my friend list of inactive people and was left with not very many (lol). Feel free to add me