
Hey everyone! I started using this App so that I'm more accountable for just how often/how much I'm eating. While I don't necessarily have a huge amount of weight to lose, I would like to get more toned and really focus on what I'm putting in my body. I used to love fast food and I need to get out of that habit. Feel free to add me!


  • moparmikewilliston
    moparmikewilliston Posts: 3 Member
    Hey everyone! I started using this App so that I'm more accountable for just how often/how much I'm eating. While I don't necessarily have a huge amount of weight to lose, I would like to get more toned and really focus on what I'm putting in my body. I used to love fast food and I need to get out of that habit. Feel free to add me!

  • moparmikewilliston
    moparmikewilliston Posts: 3 Member
    I added this app for the same reason.
  • AlwaysOnline6200
    AlwaysOnline6200 Posts: 6 Member
    I just joined today too!! So far I'm loving this app. I used to use Calorie Count but I decided to delete my account with them because I found it to be outdated and not as motivating. MFP is much more modern and easier to use. I'm very pleased to have MFP assist in my new diet